We understand the museum as an educational medium. The museum's presentations, both the exhibition we are currently preparing in the House of the Passion in Prague at Hradčany and various educational and educational programmes, serve to convey knowledge, education and overall interpretation of the 20th century to the wider public, especially schools. At the museum, we strive to pass on the knowledge of our history, human rights values and democratic culture to all interested parties.
- Concept of Educational Activities of the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum (June 2021)
- The Museum as an Educational Medium (revue XX., year 1/2021)
What are the possibilities and goals of education with the 20th Century Memory Museum?
- transferring the results of professional research on twentieth-century themes
- educational and educational role of the museum
- cooperation with schools at all levels, cooperation with the Ped. F UK
- transmitting democratic values and attitudes to visitors (formative role)
- mediation of reverence and piety (meditation role)
- a contextual approach to the themes and programmes of the museum
- the overall experience of the museum's programs (intellectual, cognitive, spiritual, emotional and social)
- prevention and protection against political populism and various extremist manifestations
- expected learning outcomes competences of the RVP, especially in the educational area "man and society"
The museum prepares various educational events for schools and the public. These include debates, school programmes as part of the Unbroken and Sacrificed film festival, student conferences, workshops for teachers, etc., which we organise in cooperation with schools, professional associations, teachers, state and public institutions.
Contact us, we will find a suitable educational program for you.
- PhDr. Jan Samohýl, Ph.D.
- Museum of 20th Century Memory
- Department of Historical Education
- jan.samohyl@mpxx.cz
- tel. +420 603 860 454