research focus
- history of international relations
- history of the elites in the 20th century
- E-mail:
professional curriculum
- dissertation on "Austro-Hungarian policy towards Soviet Russia in 1917-1918" - Ph.D. (2002 PhDr.)
- 1997-2001 doctoral studies in general and world history, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- 1990 - 1996 Master's degree in Teaching of General Education, Geography-History, Faculty of Science, Charles University
- 1985-1989 Secondary School of Economics, Prague 10, specialization in foreign trade
functional classification:
- 2020 - now Deputy Director of the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- 2017 - 2020 Director of the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- since 2014 Professor at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- since 2014 professor at Jan Ámos Komenský University Prague s. r. o. (50%)
- 2007-2014 Associate Professor at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- 2001-2007 Assistant Professor at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- 2000-2001 Assistant Professor at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Bibliography (selection)
- HORČIČKA, Václav. Die Verfolgung des böhmischen Adels durch die Nationalsozialisten. Der Fall der Schwarzenberger Primogenitur. Historisches Jahrbuch, 2019, vol. 139, p.463-497. ISSN 0018-2621
- HORČIČKA, Václav. The United States and Austria Hungary at the Beginning of the First World War. Diplomacy and Statecraft, Volume 30/2019, No. 4, pp. 1-23, ISSN 0959-2296
- HORČIČKA, Václav - MARXER, Roland. Liechtenstein und die tschechoslowakischen Konfiskationen von 1945. Vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart, Vaduz: Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein 2013. 249 p. (Horčička p. 9-139), ISBN 978-3-906393-71-1
- HORČIČKA, Václav. Alien Enemy Civilians in the War. Austrian, Hungarian, and American Citizens Living in Alien Territories from 1917 to 1918. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 2018, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 302-316.
- HORČIČKA, Václav. Die Schweiz und das Problem der Enteignung der Schwarzenberger Primogenitur in der Tschechoslowakei nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte/Revue Suisse d´Histoire, 2016, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 117-135. ISSN: 0036-7834
- HORČIČKA, Václav. The Bilateral Relationship between Austria-Hungary and the United States from April to December 1917. Austrian History Yearbook, 2015, vol. 46, p. 261-295. ISSN: 0067-2378.
- HORČIČKA, Václav - ŽUPANIČ, Jan. Kollaboration oder Neutralität: Die Familie Liechtenstein in den tschechischen Ländern während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Historisches Jahrbuch, 2014, vol. 134, p. 372-418. ISSN: 0018-2621.