Photo gallery: last two days of the festival (11/11 and 12/11 2022)
The last two days of the 3rd annual Unbreakable and Sacrificed festival Date: 11 November and 12 November 2022 Place: the Bio Oko Cinema and Kampus Hybernská Photo: Marta Myšková
The last two days of the 3rd annual Unbreakable and Sacrificed festival Date: 11 November and 12 November 2022 Place: the Bio Oko Cinema and Kampus Hybernská Photo: Marta Myšková
Unbreakable and Sacrificed, fourth day of the festival/Olga Sommerová, Petr Blažek, Jan Samohýl, Veronika Bendová, Arkadiusz Gołębiewski, Marcin Wikło, Pawel Debek, Martin Vadas, Jan Štern, Jan...
Third day of the festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed/Pavel Štingl, Petr Koura, Jan Samohýl, Olga Sommerová, Arkadiusz Gołębiewski, Veronika Bendová, Petr Mischinger, Jan Kalous, Václav Křístek, Edita...
A total of 24 films and several commentary tapes await visitors to the second annual festival of documentary films about the 20th century, which is entitled Unbreakable and Sacrificed. The show will take place...
The second annual festival of documentary films about the 20th century, Unbroken and Sacrificed, will be held this November at the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century. In addition to a series of screenings, it will also offer exhibitions,...
The first edition of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed documentary film festival, which featured films about historical figures and dramatic events of the last century, ended last night. It featured films by Czech, Slovak...
There is currently no festival of historical documentaries about the 20th century in the Czech Republic. "Therefore, with some inspiration from a similar but much larger festival in Gdynia, Poland, we...
20th Century Documentary Film Festival 10-12 November 2020online live stream from Bio OKOfree We are preparing the first annual festival of documentary films about historical figures and dramatic events of the 20th century....