

One of the main forms of the activities of the Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century is collection activity. We focus on objects that we want to use for thematic exhibitions and a permanent exhibition. They document the development in the 20th century in the field of Czech and Czechoslovak history with a focus on the history of Prague. The collections are conceived as a living organism that reflects not only the collectors' interest, but also the vision of where the museum is heading and what message it wants to convey to future generations. In a broader sense, the mission of the museum's collecting and commemorative activities is to collect objects and audiovisual testimonies of memorials that can be used to commemorate and interpret for the public key events and personalities who had a decisive influence on the shape of democracy and non-freedom in our territory in the 20th century.

In addition to commemorating key events and personalities, opponents and victims of totalitarian regimes and the mechanisms by which these regimes function, we also emphasize the values of human rights and the importance of democratic culture. However, we are also interested in family memory and objects documenting everyday life. In addition to the capital city of Prague, the collection area also covers the entire territory of the country, with natural overlaps abroad.