- Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century, Opletalova Street 22, Prague 1
- phone +420 602 218 919
- E-mail:
- 1991-1997 doctoral studies at the MFF UK; major: history and philosophy of science (Ph.D.)
- 1990 rigorosum examination at the MFF UK; major: astronomy, astrophysics (RNDr.)
- 1983-1989 Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Charles University (MFF UK); major: physics of limiting fields (Mgr.)
professional curriculum
- 2023 Office of the Government - Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalisation - Media Analyst
- 2019-2023 HMP Municipality - Assistant to the HMP Councillor for Legislation, Public Administration and Housing Support - professional agenda: provision of short-term accommodation services (secretary of HMP Council committee, foreign contacts, cooperation on preparation of legal regulation), noise from public music productions (expert consultations, research, cooperation on preparation of long-term solution project), PR
- 2011-2019 PRESTO Translation Agency - translator - focus: legal texts for the European Commission and the European Court of Justice, technical and general texts for the European Parliament, EU agencies, Czech ministries (MoF, MIT, MMR, MPSV) and other public sector clients; languages - English, German, Russian
- 2003-2024 OSVČ - translation activity (mainly from a.j.) - focus: non-fiction, militaria, science-pop, educational modules; long-term cooperation with CT (since 2014) - documentary programmes in the field of natural sciences and technology, expert meetings
- 2001-2002 International Baptist Theological Seminary - PR manager (in English)
- 1998-2001 Prague - European City of Culture 2000 (ECC 2000) - head of the foreign department: communication and presentation of the ECC 2000 project abroad (8 partner cities from the EU, Taipei, London, Liège, Washington), project management - international network projects (EU grants)
- 1996-2002 Říše stvězd ( popular science magazine) - editor, author, member of the editorial board, cooperation in marketing and fundraising
- 1994-2002 Journalistic activity (Radio RIO, Denní Telegraf, Hospodářské noviny - political commentaries, journalism, travel articles, popular science articles, etc.)
- 1991-1996 Teaching activity (MFF UK, Department of Didactics of Physics - subject: history of physics)
languages (according to the Common European Framework of Reference)
- English - C2
- Russian, German - B2-C1
- Latin - B2
- Spanish - B1
A selection of translations:
for the publishing house. Svojtka & Co.
- Richardson D. - Invisible Military Aircraft (2005)
- Butler R. - SS-Hitlerjugend: History of the 12th SS Division 1943-1945 (2005)
- Hopkins M. - The Order of the Templars: Historical Context and Mystical Connections (2007)
- Tew J. - Secrets of Graphology (2008)
- Roland P. - Nazis and Occultism: Dark Forces in the Service of the Third Reich (2008)
- Bishop Ch. - Organisation and Battlefield of the German Infantry in World War II (2008, translated with P. Wurm)
- Chant Ch. - Allied Bombers 1939-1945 (2009)
- Thomas G. - John Lennon: An Illustrated Biography (2011)
- Rushby Ch. - Bob Dylan: An Illustrated Biography (2011)
- Stilwell A. - Survival Techniques (2012)
- col.aut. - The Big Encyclopedia: Weather and Climate Change (2012, translated with M. Pauer)
- col aut. - Secrets of the codes: (2013)
- Goldsmith M.: Universe - Encyclopedia (2017)
for CT
- Wonders of Technology (series, 6 documentary series about unique technological projects and the process of their construction; 2022-2024)
- Big Machines Up Close (series, 3 seasons; 2022)
- How Factories Changed the World (series; 2020)
- individual shows - e.g. How to Save Venice, Titanic: Birth of a Giant (both 2023) and others
- expert advice on translations