The Museum of the Memory of the Twentieth Century operates as a memory, collection, educational and awareness-raising institution. One of the important outputs of its activities are various types of printed and electronic professional, popularization and educational publications.
Editorial Board of the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum
- Petr Blažek - Filip Pospíšil - Roman Laube: Lennon's Wall in Prague: studies, interviews, documents (2020)
- Jiří Sozanský: Post scriptum (2021)
- Pavel Vošický: So where are the Americans? (2021)
- Miloš Šuchma: Memories of a Czech-Canadian ( 2021)
- František Emmert: The Czech Uprising in May 1945 (2022)
- Jiří Sozanský: Valdice: condemned to oblivion (2023)
- Petr Blažek - Jiří Fidler: Konev: The Soviet Marshal and his Prague Monument (2024)
- Petr Blažek - Miroslav Vodrážka: Zbyněk Fišer | Egon Bondy and the State Security. Studies and document editions (2024)
- Christopher Zeman: Bacharach, you will hate political prisoners! (2024)
- Markéta Bartová: Little house. Military Detention Prison in 1948-1950 (2024)
Exhibition catalogues
- Petr Blažek - Jan Kalous (eds.): The Red Century: A Century of the History of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia ( 2021)
- Petr Blažek (ed.): The Kings of the Maypole. Student Festivals in Czechoslovakia 1945-1990 | The Kings of Majáles. Student Festivities in Czechoslovakia 1945-1990 (2022)
- Petr Blažek: Don't forget me. JUDr. Milada Horáková and the greatest political trial | Do Not Forget about Me. JUDr. Milada Horáková and the Greatest Political Show-Trial (2022)
- col. Century of martyrs (2022)
- Petr Blažek, Vít Fojtek, Jan Kalous, Kryštof Zeman: Christian Democrat JUDr. Bedřich Hostička (1914-1996) | Christian democrat JUDr. Bedřich Hostička (1914-1996) (2022)
- Łukasz Kamiński, Wojciech Bednarski, Petr Blažek (eds.): European GULAG | European GULAG (2023)
- Petr Blažek (ed.): Eyes of the State Security ( 2023)
- Petr Blažek (ed.): 1984: George Orwell and Czechoslovakia | 1984: George Orwell and Czechoslovakia (2024)
- Petr Blažek (ed.): Tigrid. Journalist, Exile and Politician (2024)
Festival catalogues
- Veronika Bendová (ed.): Catalogue of the II. festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed ( 2021)
- Veronika Bendová (ed.): Catalogue of the III Festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed ( 2022)
- Veronika Bendová (ed.): Catalogue of the IV Festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed ( 2023)
- Hana Zdražilová (ed.): Catalogue of the V. festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed ( 2024)
XX.: Revue of the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum
- XX. (revue of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century) vol. I (2021)
- XX. (revue of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century) vol. II (2022)
- XX. (revue of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century) vol. III. (2023)
Educational manuals
- Jan Kalous - Jan Samohýl: February 1948 (2021)