Invitation to the debate: 100 years of Great Prague (15 June 2022)

Although Princess Libuše had already "seen a great city", the Great Prague was born only a hundred years ago, in 1922. For example, we understand Vršovice today as the wider centre of Prague, a hundred years ago it was a suburban rural enclave. On the basis of three laws issued as early as 1920, the former Prague with 37 suburbs, both near and far, were merged into one territorial and administrative unit. The creation of the Prague agglomeration was the culmination of the efforts of several generations of Prague politicians. What personalities were associated with this change? What advantages did the creation of Greater Prague bring and what pitfalls and problems did it bring? We cordially invite you to a debate at the Václav Havel Library on 15 June at 7 pm. The speakers will be Milan Hlavačka from the Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University; Hana Svatošová, one of the authors of the exhibition on the Great Prague, and Veronika Knotková, co-author of the exhibition, from the Archives of the Capital City of Prague. Prague. Moderated by Jan Kalous. Free admission.