research focus
- Czechoslovak history of the 20th century
- opposition and resistance against the communist regime
- collectivisation of the countryside
- church history
- Polish-Czechoslovak relations
- living torches in the soviet bloc
- narrative museums
- e-mail: petr.blazek @
professional curriculum
- from 2022 Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century - 2022-2023 Head of the Department of Historical Education, from December 2023 Director
- from 2023 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal Memory and History
- since 2018 vice-chairman of the association Mašín's Farm - Memorial of the Three Resistances, z.s., main author of the historical exposition of the Memorial of the Three Resistances in Lošany
- from 2021 Revue XX. - member of the editorial board
- 2019-2022 Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century - member of the Board of Directors of the Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century - elected by the City Council of the Capital City of Prague Prague
- since 2017 Ethics Commission of the Czech Republic for the award of participants in the resistance and resistance against communism - re-elected by the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- 2017-2019 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts - Department of Theatre Studies - Research Fellow
- 2014-2018 Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty - member of the advisory team for the construction of the memorial, vice-chairman of the committee for the selection of the memorial design, main author of the historical exhibition
- since 2013 Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic - content expert in the field of cinematography and film science
- since 2013 Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość - member of the programme board of the magazine
- 2012-2016 Memory and History - member of the editorial board of the journal
- 2010-2020 National Museum of Agriculture - Member of the Scientific Council
- 2011-2020 Securitas Imperii - member of the editorial board
- since 2011 Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes - research fellow
- 2008 Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes - Head of the Communist Regime Research Department
- 2008 Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes - Director of Research
- 2008 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts - Department of Czech History - Ph.D.
- 2007-2008 ABS Proceedings - member of the editorial board
- 2007-2008 Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Department of Archives of Security Forces - Head of Research Department
- 2004-2010 Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. - Research Fellow
- 2002 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts - Department of Czech History - defence of rigorous thesis, awarded the degree of PhDr.
- 1996-2001 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts - Department of Czech History - Master's degree in History
- 1993-1998 University of Hradec Králové - Teaching for 3rd grade: Czech language and literature - history - master's studies
- 2007-2008 ABS Proceedings - member of the editorial board
- 2000-2007 Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Faculty of Business and Economics - Department of Humanities - assistant professor (teaching political science)
- 1999-2000 Gymnasium Špitálská, Prague 9 - secondary school teacher (teaching subjects: Czech language, history and basics of social sciences)
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Torţe vii in Blocul Sovietic. Cazuri de autoincendiere motivate politic în anii 1966-1989. Fundaţiei Culturale Momoria, Braşov 2023, 425 p. (Edited Romanian translation of Living Torches in the Soviet Bloc: Politically Motivated Cases of Self-Immolation in 1966-1989. ÚSTR, Prague 2019)
- POKORNÝ, Vojtěch - MIKULEC, Jiří - BLAŽEK, Petr: Musica Navalis. History of the festivities and cult of St. John of Nepomuk. St. John of Nepomuk, Prague 2022, 454 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Happening against totalitarianism. Society for a more cheerful present in 1989. Argo - ÚSTR, Prague 2022, 157 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - POSPÍŠIL, Filip - LAUBE, Roman: Lennon's Wall in Prague. Studies, interviews, documents. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century, Prague 2020, 536 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - MELKOVÁ, Pavla: The Edge: Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty. National Museum, Prague 2020, 220 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - POKORNÝ, Vojtěch: The Spiritual Centre of Europe: the History of the Marian Column on the Old Town Square 1650-2020. The Charles Bridge Museum, Prague 2020, 485 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Living Torches in the Soviet Bloc: Politically Motivated Cases of Self-Immolation in 1966-1989. ÚSTR, Prague 2019, 472 p.
- PERSAK, Krzysztof - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - ŽÁČEK, Pavel - BLAŽEK, Petr (eds.): Chekists: State Security Organs in the European Countries of the Soviet Bloc 1944-1989. Academia, Prague 2019, 786 p. (extended translation from Polish).
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Jan Palach. A guide to places of memory in the Prague 2 district. Prague Municipality, Prague 2019, 82 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - SCHOVÁNEK, Radek: The first 100 days of Charter 77: a guide to historical events. Academia, Prague 2018, 451 p.
- KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - BLAŽEK, Petr - MAJEWSKI, Grzegorz: Hranicím navzdory: the story of Polish-Czechoslovak solidarity. ÚSTR, Prague 2017, 317 p. (extended translation from Polish).
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Places of Resistance: a guide to Charter 77 in the Prague 2 district. Prague 2 - Pulchra, Prague 2017, 127 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Ryszard Siwiec 1909-1968 [Czech-English, supplemented edition]. ÚSTR - Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Prague 2015, 248 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Ryszard Siwiec 1909-1968. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2010, 223 p. + DVD.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - JECH, Karel - KUBÁLEK, Michal et al.: Action K. The expulsion of peasants and their families from their homesteads in the 1950s. Studies, lists and documents. Czech University of Agriculture in Prague - Pulchra, Prague 2010, 636 p.
- POSPÍŠIL, Filip - BLAŽEK, Petr: "Give us back our hair!" The first maniacs, hairdressers and hippies in communist Czechoslovakia. Academia, Prague 2010, 592 p.
- KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - BLAŽEK, Petr - MAJEWSKI, Grzegorz: Beyond borders. A History of Polish-Czechoslovak Solidarity. ATUT, Wrocław 2009, 268 p. + DVD.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Living Torch at the Ten Years Stadium. Ryszard Siwiec's protest against the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. ÚSTR, Prague 2008, 93 p. + CD.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: PARAF (Parallel Acts of Philosophy). Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague 2006, 109 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - ŽÁČEK, Pavel: Czechoslovakia. In: PERSAK, Krzysztof - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz (eds.): Handbook of the Communist Security Apparatus in East Central Europe, 1944/45-1989. Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Warszawa 2005, pp. 87-161; German: BLAŽEK, Petr - ŽÁČEK, Pavel: Tschechoslowakei. In: KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - PERSAK, Krzysztof - GIESEKE, Jens (eds.): Hanbuch der kommunistischen Geheimdienste in Osteuropa 1944-1991. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2009, pp. 395-480; in Polish: BLAŽEK, Petr - ŽÁČEK, Pavel: Czechoslovakia. In: KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - PERSAK, Krzysztof (eds.): Czechists. Security organs in the European countries of the Soviet bloc 1944-1989. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2010, pp. 245-224.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - LAUBE, Roman - POSPÍŠIL, Filip: Lennon's Wall in Prague. Informal Youth Gathering in Kampa 1980-1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2003, 340 p.
exhibitions and installations, exhibition catalogues
- 2023 Eyes of State Security. Organizations, Members and Actions of the StB Surveillance Administration - exhibition editor and co-author of texts, Prague, Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Museum Kampa, 17 panels in total, 12 September - 5 December 2023, catalogue in Czech and English BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): State Security. Organisation, Members and Actions of the StB Monitoring Administration / Eyes of the State Security. Struture, People and Operations of the Czechoslovak Communist State Security Surveillance Administration. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Museum Kampa, Praha 2023, 168 p.
- 2023 European GULAG - co-author and editor of the Czech version of the exhibition, 28 panels in total, Prague, Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Platform of European Memory and Conscience; catalogue in Czech and English KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - BEDNARSKI, Wojciech - BLAŽEK, Petr (eds.): European GULAG | European GULAG. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Platform of European Memory and Conscience, Prague 2023, 162 p.
- 2022 Memorial of the Three Resistances in Lošany - main author of the historical exposition; guide BLAŽEK, Petr - HRADEČNÝ, Tomáš: Memorial of the Three Resistances in Lošany. Mašín's Farm - Memorial of the Three Resistances, Regional Museum Kolín, Lošany 2023, 22 p.
- 2022 The Christian Democrat JUDr. Bedřich Hostička (1914-1996) - exhibition editor and co-author of texts (together with Vít Foitek, Jan Kalous and Kryštof Zeman), 12 panels in total, Prague, Museum of Memory of the XXth Century, 7 - 30 November 2022; catalogue in Czech and English BLAŽEK, Petr - FOITEK, Vít - KALOUS, Jan - ZEMAN, Kryštof (eds.): Christian Democrat JUDr. Bedřich Hostička (1914-1996). Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century, Prague 2022, 92 p.
- 2022 Kings of the Majals. Student Festivals in Czechoslovakia 1945-1990 - exhibition editor and co-author of texts (together with Juraj Marušiak and Jan Kalous), 24 panels in total, Prague, Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Museum Kampa, 29 April - 27 July 2022; catalogue in Czech and English BLAŽEK, Petr (eds.): The Kings of the Majals. Student Festivals in Czechoslovakia 1945-1990. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Museum Kampa, Prague 2022, 148 p.
- 2021 The Red Century: A Century of the History of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia - co-author of texts and co-author of a selection of visual documentation (together with Jan Kalous, Petr Koura, Michal Macháček, Radek Schovánk, David Svoboda, Miroslav Urbánek and Pavel Žáček), 24 panels in total, Prague, Museum of Memory XX. Century - Museum Kampa, 14 May - 1 August 2021; catalogue in Czech and English BLAŽEK, Petr - KALOUS, Jan (eds.): The Red Century: A Century of the History of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century - Museum Kampa, Prague 2021, 105 p.
- 2020 Don't forget me! JUDr. Milada Horáková and the Greatest Political Trial, Czechoslovakia May-June 1950 - author of texts and co-author of the selection of visual documentation (together with Mgr. Martin, Vadas), 24 panels in total, Prague, Museum Kampa, 27 June - 24 August 2020.
- 2019 Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty - main author of the historical exhibition of the National Museum; catalogues in Czech, English, Russian, German and Polish: BLAŽEK, Petr - MELKOVÁ, Pavla: Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty. National Museum, Prague 2019, 88 p.; BLAŽEK, Petr - MELKOVÁ, Pavla: The Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty. National Museum, Prague 2019, 88 p.; BLAŽEK, Petr - MELKOVÁ, Pavla: Die Jan-Palach-Gedenkstätte in Všetaty. National Museum, Prague 2019, 88 p.; BLAŽEK, Petr - MELKOVÁ, Pavla: Muzeum - izba pamięci Jana Palacha we Všetaty. National Museum, Prague 2019, 88 p.
- 2016 Unmasked! Half a century of persecution of the peasantry. ÚSTR - together with Jaroslav Rokosky, Martin Tichý, Libor Svoboda and Jiří Urban (Installation.)
- COL. aut..: Unbroken! Half a century of persecution of the peasantry. Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name. National Museum of Agriculture - ÚSTR, Prague 2016, 148 p. [co-author]
- 2014 Living Torches. Self-immolation as a radical political protest 1963-2013. Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague together with ÚSTR and the Security Forces Archive - author of the concept and most of the texts (Installation: House of Culture in Kroměříž, 13 November 2013 - 16 January 2014; nám. Peace in Zlín 16 January - 16 February 2014)
- 2012 Kings of Sumava. Exhibition about couriers and smugglers. ÚSTR - together with Martin Tichy, Marketa Doležalová, Libor Svoboda, Jaroslav Rokosky, Václav Veber, Petr Mallota and Martin Jindra
- KOL: car..: Kings of the Bohemian Forest / Die Könige des Böhmerwaldes. Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name. ÚSTR, Prague 2012, 109 p. [co-author]
- 2009 For Your Freedom and Ours - Protests against the August Occupation of Czechoslovakia: BLR, MLR, NDR, PLR and USSR. ÚSTR - Office of the Government of the Czech Republic - author of the concept, co-author and editor of the texts
- 2009 Jan Palach ´69. National Museum - Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague - together with Jakub Jaroš and Patrik Eichler
- BLAŽEK, Petr - JAREŠ, Jakub - EICHLER, Patrik: Jan Palach ´69. Exhibition. Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name. National Museum - Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2009, 40 p.
- 2009 I just can't live any other way. An exhibition about the VONS trial 1979. The Václav Havel Library in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Libri prohibiti library - together with Tomáš Bursík
- 2009 Link with a human face. A history of Polish-Czechoslovak solidarity. The Misgurnus Agency in cooperation with the Polish Institute in Prague, the Czech Centre in Warsaw and the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk, the Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., and the Libri prohibiti Library
- 2008 So it doesn't happen again. Exhibition on the history of the association of former political prisoners K 231. ÚSTR - together with Tomáš Bursík, Josef Hala and Jiří Hopp
- BLAŽEK, Petr - BURSÍK, Tomáš - HALLA, Josef - HOPPE, Jiří: So that it won't happen again. Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name. ÚSTR, Prague 2008, 83 p.
- 2007 I agree with the Declaration of Charter 77 of 1 January 1977. Department of Archives of Security Forces of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic - co-author of the exhibition
- 2005 Prague Spring in 1968. The Office for Documentation and Investigation of Crimes of Communism of the Police of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Institute of National Memory (Warsaw) and K 2001 (Brno) - co-author of the exhibition (Installation: Police Museum in Prague, 24 March - 24 March 2014). 4. 2005; University of Hradec Králové 2.-27. 5. 2005; Trutnov 6.-30. 6. 2005; Chrudimská beseda 11.-31. 7. 2005; ČSOB Pojišt'ovna in Pardubice 3.-19. 8. 2005; Náchod 4.-23. 10. 2005; Jičín 27. 10 - 11 November 2005; Municipal Theatre in Bruntál 18 November - 16 December 2005; Silesian Museum in Opava 4 - 29 January 2006; Centre of Cultural Services in Svitavy 2 - 26 February 2006. 2006; State Regional Archive in České Budějovice 28 February - 10 March 2006; West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen 16 March - 14 May 2006; House of Culture in Mladá Boleslav 22 May - 30 June 2006; Jablonec nad Nisou July 2006; Liberec August 2006)
- 2004 Pro and Con. Poles and the Prague Spring 1968 - 35 panels, together with Luboš Veselý and Tomasz Grabiński - translation of the accompanying Polish text for the exhibition (Installation.)
anthologies, critical editions of documents, dictionaries
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Portraits of Living Torches in the Soviet Bloc, In: Tribute to Jan Palach and Other Living Torches in the Soviet Bloc: a recapitulation of events organized by the town of Mělník in 2009-2019. MÚ Mělník, Mělník 2019, 61 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): "May it all be for the benefit of the community!": Jan Patočka in the documents of the State Security. Academia - OIKOYMENH, Prague 2017, 526 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): State Security and the Crisis of the Polish People's Republic 1980-1984Vol. II. ÚSTR, Prague 2017, 313 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): State Security and the Crisis of the Polish People's Republic 1980-1984Vol. I. ÚSTR, Prague 2017, 498 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "The order in which they intend to burn themselves is to be determined by lot": the Vietnamese inspiration of Jan Palach. In: PETRÁŠ, Jiří - SVOBODA, Libor (eds.): Czechoslovakia 1963-1967. ÚSTR - South Bohemian Museum in České Budějovice, Prague - České Budějovice 2016, pp. 165-169.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - SCHOVÁNEK, Radek (eds.): Putting the Axe to the Roots of Lies. Radio speeches of Pavel Tigrid, programme director of Radio Free Europe in Munich 1951-1952. Centre for Documentation of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2015, 238 p.
- PAŽOUT, Jaroslav et al. (eds.): Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted 1978-1989. Edition of documents. Academia, Prague 2014, 410 p. + CD. [Member of the author's collective, editing about 60 VONS communications].
- BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The domino effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague 2013, 423 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - BURSÍK, Tomáš (eds.): The Prague Trial 1979. The investigation, trial and imprisonment of members of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted. Documents. Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague 2010, 428 p.
- MAŠÍN, Ctirad - MAŠÍN, Josef - PAUMER, Milan: Journey to the Northwest. Academia, Prague 2010, 311 p. [Prepared for publication together with Olga Bezděková.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr - EICHLER, Patrik - JAKUB, Jareš a kol.: Jan Palach ´69. Togga - Faculty of Arts, Charles University - ÚSTR, Prague 2009, 637 p. + DVD.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Palach". Edition of documents from the provenance of the Ministry of the Interior. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - EICHLER, Patrik - JAKUB, Jareš et al.: Jan Palach ´69. Togga - Faculty of Arts, Charles University - ÚSTR, Prague 2009, pp. 349-608.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - JAWORSKI, Paweł - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz (eds.): Between forced friendship and true solidarity. Czechs - Poles - Slovaks 1938/39-1945-1989. Part II. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2009, 260 pp.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The most sensitive place of the regime. The Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted (VONS) through the eyes of its members. Discussion meeting on 19 October 2007. Pulchra, Prague 2008, 143 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal (eds.): Rural Collectivization in Czechoslovakia 1948-1960 and Central European Context. Dokořán - Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Prague 2008, 360 p. + CD.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - JAWORSKI, Paweł - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz (eds.): Between forced friendship and true solidarity. Czechs - Poles - Slovaks 1938/39-1945-1989. Part I. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2007, 152 pp.
- KOL. autorů: Dictionary of Dissidents. Czołowe postacie ruchów opozycyjnych w krajach komunistycznych w latach 1956-1989. Volume 1 [co-author of the Czech part of the dictionary] Karta, Warszawa 2007, 854 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): The denial of military service in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989. Academia, Prague 2007, 335 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): "This time it will explode." Edition of documents on the organization and responses to the campaign against the signatories of Charter 77 (January-February 1977). Faculty of Arts, Charles University - Department of Archives of Security Forces of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Prague 2007, 139 p.
- BAEVA, Iskra - BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - KUBINA, Michael - PACZKOWSKI, Andrzej - TANTZSCHER, Monika - TISCHLER, János - WILKE, Manfred - WÓJTOWICZ, Norbert: Before and after 13 December. Eastern bloc countries in the face of the crisis in the PLR 1980-1982. Volume 2 (April 1981 - December 1982). Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2007, 730 pp.
- BAEVA, Iskra - BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - KUBINA, Michael - PACZKOWSKI, Andrzej - TANTZSCHER, Monika - TISCHLER, János - WILKE, Manfred - WÓJTOWICZ, Norbert (eds.): Before and after 13 December. Eastern bloc countries in the PLR 1980-1982. Volume 1 (August 1980 - March 1981). Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2006, 445 pp.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - VÉVODA, Rudolf (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Warsaw, 4-5 September 2003. Dokořán - Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2006, 361 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Opposition and Resistance against the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia 1968-1989. Dokořán - Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2005, 356 p.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Representation of agricultural interests in the Czech party system after 1989. Proceedings of the workshop on 17 September 2002. Czech University of Agriculture, Prague, Prague 2002, 76 p.
studies in professional periodicals and proceedings
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Monument to Marshal Koniewo in Prague, In: KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - KUCHARSKI, Wojciech (eds.): Church - East - Solidarity. Memory and Future Centre, Wrocław 2023, pp. 299-307.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: A memory of a little flower. Documents about Lilian Landová, In .
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Prague Monument to Marshal Konev, In: Revue XX. (yearbook of the Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century), vol. 1 (2021), pp. 99-113.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - ŠIMÁNKOVÁ, Alena: Report on archival research for the preparation of the exhumation of the remains of Zdeňka Mašínová, In: Revue XX. (yearbook of the Museum of Memory of the XXth Century), vol. 1 (2021), pp. 57-81.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - SCHOVÁNEK, Radek: Příběh fotografie signatářů Charty, In: Revue XX. (yearbook of the Museum of Memory of the XXth Century), vol. 1 (2021), pp. 96-98.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Osudy dobréého vojáka Pavla Vošický, In: VOŠICKÝ, Pavel: So where are the Americans? Museum of Memory of the XXth Century, Prague 2021, pp. 107-116.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Tenkrát na Západ, In: ŠUCHMA, Miloš: Memories of a Czech-Canadian. Museum of Memory of the XXth Century, Prague 2021, pp. 7-8.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: They. Members of the secret police, In: HAVEL, Václav: Někam jsem to ukryl. Notes 77. KVH, Prague 2021, pp. 101-122.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "PŘÍBRAMSKÝ". State Security and Pavel Juráček 1976-1979, In. KVH, Prague 2021, pp. 1195-1227.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Velvet Revolution. Czechoslovakia and the Peaceful Transition to Democracy. Historická revue, 2019, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 52-56.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: A brave Polish woman with a Czechoslovak heart has passed away. Memory and History, 2017, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 123-124.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Revocation of signature. The story of several-week-old Charter 77 signatory Jiří Záruba. Memory and History, 2016, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 97-102.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Extraordinary Reports of the State Security on the Voices on the Death and Funeral of Prof. Jan Patočka. Securitas Imperii, 2016, no. 29/2, pp. 244-281.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KINDLEROVÁ, Rita: The Living Torch in Ukraine. The self-immolation of Vasyl Omelyanovych Makukh in Kiev on 5 November 1968. Memory and History, 2016, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 73-90.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Majáles 1956. Prague Student Festival in Antonín Rozsypal's Photographs. Memory and History, 2016, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 108-113.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Happenings against totalitarianism. The Society for a Merrier Present in 1989. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2016, Volume 4, p. 80-91. [Translation of article: Happening against totalitarianism. Society for a more cheerful present in 1989. Memory and History, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 12-23].
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Prague Underground in the Documentation of the StB Surveillance Administration. In: KUDRNA, Ladislav (ed.): Reflection of the Underground. ÚSTR, Prague 2016, pp. 88-125.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "On the nuclear power plant accident." The Chernobyl disaster and the opposition movement in Czechoslovakia. In: POPÁROVÁ, Alžběta - NEUPAUER, František - MELICHEROVÁ, Terézia: Chernobyl 1986. Past, consequences, starting points. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2016, pp. 341-364.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Their souls were beautiful. Correspondence of Libuše Palachová with the family of Jan Zajic. Memory and History, 2015, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 63-70.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Fate of the Good Soldier Pavel Vošický. Memory and History, 2015, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 113-122.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Polish Living Torch. In: BRZOSTOWSKI, Ryszard - ZEMŁO, Mariusz (eds.): Ryszard Siwiec pre memoria. Polish Historical Society, Tarnów - Dębica 2015, pp. 43-56.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Mácha". Historical reconstruction of the Petřín events of 1 May 1962. In: PETRÁŠ, Jiří - SVOBODA, Libor (eds.): Czechoslovakia 1954-1962. Jihočeské muzeum - ÚSTR, Prague 2015, pp. 193-203.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Acts of Revolutionary Justice." The Limits of the Prague Spring, Judicial Rehabilitation and Former Political Prisoners. In: ŽÁČEK, Pavel et al: Expressions of Respect and Gratitude. 2. Proceedings on Anti-Communist Resistance. Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic - Military Historical Institute Prague, Prague 2015, pp. 237-255.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: A document of the times. In. Symposium, Prague 2015, pp. 284-291.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Historical Review, 2014, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 40-42.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Velvet Revolution. Czechoslovakia and its transition to democracy in 1989. Historická revue, 2014, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 43-47.
- Survey on the Jan Palach Memorial [participants Petr Blažek, Štěpán Hulík, Jakub Jareš, Michal Ježek and Michal Stehlík]. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 127-128.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Testimony of Two Worlds. In: LEFEUVRE, Ivanka: Migration 1982. Diary entries of a Charter 77 signatory, evicted from Czechoslovakia as part of the "Asanace" action. Academia, Prague 2014, pp. 289-299.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Happening against totalitarianism. Society for a more cheerful present in 1989. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 12-23.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Leaving the Republic." Nine documents on the conviction of Karel Kryl in 1975. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 100-117.
- Poll: 1989 as seen by historians [participants Marek Chodakiewicz, Łukasz Kamiński, Jiří Suk, Václav Veber, Petr Blažek]. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 132-134.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Let's go to the streets!" Historical reconstruction of the protests against the currency reform in Vimperk on June 4, 1953. In: PETRÁŠ, Jiří - SVOBODA, Libor (eds.): Eight years after the war. The Year 1953 in Czechoslovakia. ÚSTR - South Bohemian Museum in České Budějovice, Prague - České Budějovice 2014, pp. 357-381.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Lessons of the Communist Party from the Crisis in 1953. Instructions for the liquidation of mass riots. Securitas Imperii, 2014, No. 24/1, pp. 156-179.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Prison Collages. Behind Karel Trinkewitz. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 122-124.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Slovak successor? Six documents on the self-immolation of Michal Lefcik in Košice on 11 April 1969. Memory and History, 2014, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 58-68.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Gensek´s Visit. The general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in Czechoslovakia, 1978. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2014, No 1, Volume 3, p. 60-71. [Translation of the article: BLAŽEK, Petr. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in Czechoslovakia 1978. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 36-46.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr - ČVANČARA, Jaroslav: From War to War. The adolescence of brothers Ctirad and Josef Mašín in recollections and photographs. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2014, No 1, Volume 3, p. 140-153. [Translation of the article: BLAŽEK, Petr - ČVANČARA, Jaroslav. The adolescence of brothers Ctirad and Josef Mašín in memories and photographs. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 96-111.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Good evening after twenty years." Festival of Czechoslovak Independent Culture in Wroclaw, Poland, November 1989. In: BARON, Roman - MADECKI, Roman (eds.): Czech Polonistic Studies. Tradition and Present (Philology - History - Political Science - Law). Prague: Historical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., 2014, pp. 181-205.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: With humour, admittedly sometimes almost black. In. Toužimský & Moravec, Prague 2014, pp. 5-8.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Utopia over the Vistula. The Polish road to socialism (1944/1945 - 1970). Historical Review, 2014, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 21-23.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Solidarity. The Crisis of the System and the Birth of an Independent Civic Movement. Historická revue, 2014, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 80-81.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Producer-1". The filming of the film Amadeus in the State Security documentation. In: KOPAL, Petr (ed.): Film and History 4. Normalization. Václav Žák - Casablanca - ÚSTR, Prague 2014, pp. 102-137.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Villa "Okopanina". Training centre in Bruchsal in 1949-1950. In: SVOBODA, Libor - TICHÝ, Martin (eds.): Journeys to Freedom. Couriers and smugglers in the 1950s. 41-60.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Czechoslovakia and the crisis in Poland in 1980-1981. In: KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - JAWORSKI, Paweł (eds.): The World vis-à-vis "Solidarity" 1980-1989. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2013, pp. 148-160.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Visiting the gensek. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in Czechoslovakia 1978. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 36-46.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The First Follower. The self-immolation of Josef Hlavatý on 20 January 1969. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 95-102.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Drak". Surveillance of Jan Trefulka by members of the StB Surveillance Administration. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 115-122.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Anti". Surveillance of the historian Jozef Jablonický by members of the Fourth SNB Administration during his two trips to Prague. In: KMEŤ, Norbert - SYRNÝ, Marek et al. A tribute to the historical craft of Jozef Jablonický. Institute of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences - Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, Bratislava - Banská Bystrica 2013, pp. 390-397.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Living Torches. IPN Bulletin, 2013, No. 9/18, pp. 51-54.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The leadership of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the opposition movement at the end of the 1980s. BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central Europe and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 153-160.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Evaluation of the work plan of the Second SNB Administration for 1988. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 257-264.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Records of the discussion of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia leadership on anti-regime speeches in autumn 1988. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 257-264.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - ČVANČARA, Jaroslav: From war to war. The adolescence of brothers Ctirad and Josef Mašín in memories and photographs. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 96-111. [Reprinted: Historický kaleidoscope, 2015, no. 3, pp. 45-55.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Numbers of forcibly evicted peasant families in Czechoslovakia 1948-1960. In: ROKOSKÝ, Jaroslav - SVOBODA, Libor (ed.): Collectivization in Czechoslovakia. ÚSTR, Prague 2013, pp. 229-243.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "He did not engage in joint conversations." Gustáv Husák in prison 1951-1960. In: MICHÁLEK, Slavomír - LONDÁK, Miroslav et al.: Gustav Husák. The Power of Politics - The Politics of Power. Veda, Bratislava 2013, pp. 480-498.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Maniacs. All with hair on their shoulders. In. Urban subcultures and independent social currents before 1989. Bigg Boss & Yinachi, Prague 2013, pp. 14-49.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - BÁRTA, Milan - KALOUS, Jan - SVOBODA, Libor - ŽÁČEK, Pavel: Faces of State Security Investigators. Memory and History, 2012, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 66-75.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Ivan 2". Surveillance of Ivan Martin Jirous by members of the StB Surveillance Administration. Memory and History, 2012, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 103-113.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Czechoslovakia and the Polish Crisis 1980-1981. Securitas Imperii, 2012, no. 20/1, pp. 58-75.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Jan Anastáz Opasek. Abbot Chuligán. In: WITTLICHOVÁ, Lucie (ed.): Messages home. Stories of Czechs who went abroad (emigration and exile 1848-1989). Dny české státnosti - Labyrint, Prague 2012, pp. 338-348.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "We were the first soldiers and prisoners of the Cold War." The case of the courier Miloslav Čapek. In: JAŠEK, Peter (ed.): Anti-Communist Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2012, pp. 39-73.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Self-immolation as a form of radical political protest in the world. In: Solitaire. Homage to historian Václav Veber. Václav Vebel, ÚSTR, Prague 2012, pp. 339-352.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "The menagerie and its members." Edition of agency reports on P. Josef Zvěřinec. Securitas Imperii, 2011, no. 19/2, pp. 242-316. [Excerpts from the edition also published. Theological Texts, 2013, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 94].
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Long Road to Ruzyně. In: NĚMEC, Jiří: Letters from Ruzyně and New Chances of Freedom. Pulchra, Prague 2011, pp. 207-227.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The State Security Service and Poles in Czechoslovakia in the early 1980s. In: HYTREK-HRYCIUK, Joanna - STRAUCHOLD, Grzegorz - SYRNYK, Jarosław (eds.): Internationalism or...? Activities of the security organs of communist states towards national minorities (1944-1989). Proceedings of the international scientific conference held in Wrocław on 22-23 April 2010. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw - Wrocław 2011, pp. 515-524.
- Petr Blažek: The expulsion of the king of the maypole. Allen Ginsberg and State Security. Memory and History, 2011, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 28-43. [French translation: BLAŽEK, Petr: L'expulsion du roi de Majáles. Allen Ginsberg et la sûreté de l'État . N° 32, Individus sous contrôle. BLAŽEK, Petr: The Deportation of the King of May. Allen Ginsberg and the State Security. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2012, No 2, p. 35-47; reprinted: DIK Fagazine, 2015, No 9, p. 85-95].
- PLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Theologian". The surveillance of Oto Mádra by members of the Fourth SNB Administration in the 1980s. Memory and History, 2011, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 73-87.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "I ran fast through the cloud." Resistance activities of Ctirad Mašín in the Jáchymov camp. In. Chapters from the History of Anti-Communist Resistance in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. ÚSTR - Metropolitan University Prague - Aleš Čeněk Publishing House, Prague 2010, pp. 222-241.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Opposition against the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia before November 1989. In: CHVÁTAL, Marek (ed.): November 1989 in Czechoslovakia. Proceedings of the conference organized by the Museum of Vysočina Havlíčkův Brod on October 10, 2009 in the hall of the Old Town Hall in Havlíčkův Brod. Museum of Highlands, Havlíčkův Brod 2010, pp. 15-26.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Revolutionary from Polish shipyards. The story of Solidarity co-founder Andrzej Kołodziej. Dějiny a současnost, 2010, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 41-43.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "All the fun turned into dancing." Campaign against rock 'n' roll in autumn 1957. Dějiny a současnost, 2010, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 37-39.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Images of the Polish Decade. The story of a Czech photographer and his archive. Memory and History, 2010, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 64-68.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - JAKOUBEK, James V.: A highly disturbing matter. Edition of documents on the death of Pavel Wonka from the US State Department archives. Securitas Imperii, 2010, No. 17/2, pp. 126-183.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Opposition in Czechoslovakia before the fall of the communist regime in November 1989. In. Proceedings of a scientific conference. Bratislava, 11-12 November 2009. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2010, pp. 128-137.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Torch No. 1." Reconstruction of Jan Palach's act. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - EICHLER, Patrik - JAKUB, Jareš et al.: Jan Palach ´69. Togga - Faculty of Arts, Charles University - ÚSTR, Prague 2009, pp. 39-89.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Typologie von Opposition und Widerstand gegen das kommunistische Regime. In: PERZI, Niklas - BLEHOVA, Beata - BACHMAIER, Peter (Hrsg.): Die Samtene Revolution. Vorgeschichte - Verlauf - Akteure. Petr Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main 2009, pp. 110-131.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Occupation Propaganda on Czechoslovak Territory after 21 August 1968. In: VOLNÁ, Katka (ed.): The Security Apparatus, Propaganda and the Prague Spring. Proceedings of the International Conference. ÚSTR, Prague 2009, pp. 199-217.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Campaigning from the parliamentary floor. Polish-Czechoslovak Solidarity in 1989. Dějiny a současnost, vol. 31, November 2009 - special issue on the twentieth anniversary of 17 November 1989, pp. 25-30.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Caution is needed when making films about trials." Preparation, filming and storage of the film footage of the trial "Milada Horáková and Co." In: Film and History 2. Adolf Hitler and the Others - Film Images of Evil. Casablanca - ÚSTR 2009, pp. 201-213.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - MAJEWSKI, Grzegorz: We will meet in Poland. Review of Independent Czechoslovak Culture in Wrocław. Memory and the Past, 2008, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 38-45.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Sources for the History of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted in the Archive of Security Forces. In: PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (ed.): Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted. Political Persecution, Opposition and Independent Activities in Czechoslovakia in 1978-1989. Proceedings of the grant project, No. 2. Libri prohibiti, Prague 2008, pp. 110-123.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Codename "Petra". Archival documents on Věra Vránová's cooperation with the State Security. In: PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (ed.): Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted. Political Persecution, Opposition and Independent Activities in Czechoslovakia in 1978-1989. Proceedings of the grant project. Libri prohibiti, Prague 2008, pp. 81-114.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "But there is no other option." In: DEVÁTÁ, Markéta - SUK, Jiří - TŮMA, Oldřich (eds.): Charter 77. 1977-1989. Proceedings of the conference on the 30th anniversary of Charter 77. Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. - Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2008, pp. 225-235.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The event "Lecture" - watching Ivan Dejmala. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 55-61.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The February Coup as seen by the StB Headquarters at the Ministry of the Interior. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 102-115.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - BOSÁK, Vladimír: Action "Alfa 1". Surveillance of the former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Miloš Jakeš in December 1989. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 116-130.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Memorial plaque to the student demonstration on 25 February 1948. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 162-166.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Action "Milan 2". Photographs of Milan Otáhal from the surveillance by the State Security. In: TŮMA, Oldřich - VILÍMEK, Tomáš (eds.): Historian in Contemporary History. Milan Otáhal on his 80th birthday. Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague 2008, pp. 261-274.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: FMV Residency in the Soviet Union. Status, activities and staffing in 1989. In: GRÚŇOVÁ, Alexandra (ed.): NKVD/KGB Activities and their Cooperation with the Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989. Proceedings of the International Conference. Bratislava, 14-16 November 2007. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2008, pp. 236-259. [English version: BLAŽEK, Petr: Residency of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in the Soviet Union. Position, Activities and Staffing in 1989. In: GRÚŇOVÁ, Alexandra (ed.): NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989. Anthology of the international conference. Bratislava, 14-16 November 2007. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2008, pp. 250-274.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr: At the Crossroads. Brno Congress of the ČSSD in November 1947. In: FAJMON, Hynek - BALÍK, Stanislav - HLOUŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (eds.): A suffocating embrace. Historical and political science perspectives on the cooperation between social democrats and communists. Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture. Brno 2008, pp. 153-161. [Excerpt: A Deadly Embrace. Communists and Social Democrats 1945-1948. Revue Politika, summer 2008, vol. 6, no. 6-7, p. 31].
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Armed Resistance to the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia in 1948-1956. In: POLESZAK, Sławomir (ed.): Polish independence underground against the background of anti-communist conspiracies in Central and Eastern Europe in 1944-1956. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw - Lublin 2008, pp. 127-133.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal: "I wanted to have free farmers in a free country." Peasant and politician Stanislav Broj. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal (eds.): Rural Collectivization in Czechoslovakia 1948-1960 and Central European Context. Dokořán - Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Prague 2008, pp. 156-182.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "A cool head, a burning heart and clean hands." Order of the Ministers of the Interior on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Soviet secret service, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. In: Proceedings of the Archive of Security Forces, 2007, No. 5, pp. 255-272.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Operation "North". Czechoslovak Security Apparatus and the Polish Crisis 1980-1984. In: BABKA, Lukáš - ROUBAL, Petr (eds.): Prague Perspectives (II.). A New Generation of Czech East European Studies. National Library of the Czech Republic Slavonic Library, Prague 2007, pp. 263-276.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Unified party approach. Listy, 2007, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 65-66.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Denial of Military Service by Persons of German Nationality in 1953-1954. In: BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Denial of Military Service in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989. Academia, Prague 2007, pp. 59-82.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "I will never kill anyone." Record of the trial of Miloslav Lojko. In: BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): The Denial of Military Service in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989. Academia, Prague 2007, pp. 282-322.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: StB Documents as an Archival Source for the History of Polish-Czechoslovak Solidarity. In: ZALEWSKI, Mirosław (ed.): The Trail to Freedom - XXV Years of Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity. ATUT, Wrocław 2007, pp. 84-92.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Orwell's Year in Kopřivnice. "Conclusions from the case of violation of A-oper-I-3 directives by members of the StB Administration KS SNB Ostrava." Memory and History, 2007, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 108-119.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - BOSÁK, Vladimír: Action "Bojanovice" - 11 November 1976. Memory and history, 2007, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 120-133.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Undermine today's regime with all your strength!" Illegal printed matter of the resistance group Za pravdu (1949). Memory and History, 2007, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 134-161.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Re-crucified." A memorial to the victims of communism in Masaryktown, Canada. Memory and History, 2007, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 167-169.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Sickle and Hammer. The symbol of communism. In: MEJSTŘÍK, Martin (eds.): The Threat of Communism? Proceedings of the conference Prague, 31 May 2005. Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague 2006, pp. 44-50.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Reconstruction. Sources for the trial of Milad Horáková and her comrades. Proceedings of the Archives of the Ministry of the Interior, 2006, No. 4, pp. 191-220.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Report of the Czechoslovak Ambassador in Warsaw. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - VÉVODA, Rudolf (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Warsaw, 4-5 September 2003. Dokořán - Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2006, pp. 278-308.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Akcja "Wormhole" (Kołatek). Secret StB collaborator Stanislav Dvořák as a courier of "Solidarity Poland-Czechoslovakia". Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, 2006, no. 1 (9), pp. 117-164.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Messages on plaster. Lennon's Wall in Prague. Dějiny a současnost, 2006, vol. 28, no. 12, p. 12.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "People's Democratic Royalty." Letters of Ladislav Novomesky to Záviš Kalander. Memory of the Nation, 2006, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 50-56.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Typology of opposition and resistance against the communist regime. A review of concepts and limits of research. In: BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Resistance and Opposition to the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia 1968-1989. Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University - Dokořán, Prague 2005, pp. 10-24, notes: pp. 307-314. Agljad kancepcij i pamki dasledavaninja. Arche, 2006, no. 7-8, pp. 68-87].
- BLAŽEK, Petr: To the Last Breath. In: ČELOVSKÝ, Bořivoj (ed.): The Eyes and Ears of the Party. Seven glimpses into the life of the StB. Tilia Publishing House, Šenov u Ostravy 2005, pp. 13-28.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Libri prohibiti. Paměti národa, 2005, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 65-66.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation. Memory of the Nation, 2005, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 86-89.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - CAJTHAML, Petr - RŮŽIČKA, Daniel: A coloured image of the communist past. The Making, Filming and Presentation of the 30 Cases of Major Zeman. In: KOPAL, Petr (ed.): Film and History. Lidové noviny Publishing House, Prague 2005, pp. 276-294, notes: pp. 395-398.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The case of the Revolutionary Action Group. In: KÁRNÍK, Zdeněk - KOPEČEK, Michal (eds.): Bolshevism, Communism and Radical Socialism in Czechoslovakia IV. - Dokořán, Prague 2005, pp. 199-236, notes: pp. 267-276.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Forms of Opposition and Resistance against the Communist Regime in the Czechoslovak Republic and the People's Republic of Poland (1970s and 1980s). In: MEJSTŘÍK, Martin (ed.): Ideas on which the Czech Republic stands. European Movement in the Czech Republic, Prague 2005, pp. 43-47.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - SCHOVÁNEK, Radek: "Let us hope that all this will benefit the society." Jan Patočka - a philosopher opposing evil. The Heart of Europe, 2005, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 26-29.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Political Repression in Communist Czechoslovakia 1948-1989. In: ŽÁČEK, Pavel - KOŠICKÝ, Patrik - GULDANOVÁ, Eva (eds.): Power versus Citizen. The Role of Repression and Political Violence in Communism. Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2005, pp. 8-22.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Use of StB Documents in Historical Research. In: SEDOVÁ, Tatiana (ed.): Social sciences and humanities through the eyes of the young. Proceedings of the meeting in Trest, 14-16 March 2005. Veda, Bratislava 2005, pp. 66-71.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Las transiciones a la democracia y las lustraciones. In: VESELÝ, Luboš (ed.): Experiencias de la transición Checa. Člověk v tísni, Praha 2005, pp. 189-190. [Belarusian version: Perepachod da demokratyi i "Ljustracija". In: VESELÝ, Luboš (ed.): Transformation. Czech docved. Člověk v tísni, Prague 2005, pp. 111-115.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Dritter Widerstand: Opposition and Widerstand gegen das kommunistische Regime in der Tschechoslowakei in den Jahren 1948-1956. Horch und Guck, 2004, vol. 13, no. 45, pp. 31-35.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - CAJTHAML, Petr: Disinformation, lies and slander. Campaigns against the Opposition in Czechoslovak Television 1968-1989. Contemporary History, 2004, vol. 11, no. 1-2, pp. 300-303.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "Everything will go in a different direction." The influence of the Polish March ´68 on the Prague Spring. In: KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz (ed.): Around the Prague Spring. Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2004, pp. 32-44. [Česky BLAŽEK, Petr: "Everything gets a different direction." The Influence of the Prague Spring on the Polish March. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - VÉVODA, Rudolf (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Warsaw, 4-5 September 2003. Dokořán - Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2006, pp. 33-44.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal: Politically Motivated Exclusion of Students in the Founding Period of the Communist Regime. In: RAŠTICOVÁ, Blanka (ed.): Agricultural education, research and education as a prerequisite for the economic and social development of rural areas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Slovácké muzeum, Uherské Hradiště 2004, pp. 111-132.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Meeting of the Czechoslovak and Polish Opposition at the State Border 1978-1989. In: HRODEK, Dalibor (ed.): Czech and Polish Historical Tradition and its Relationship to the Present: the Pardubice Conference (18-20 April 2002). Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2003, pp. 177-209.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: History of one "cooperation" with communist intelligence. Contemporary History, 2003, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 579-587.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The Case of Ivan Polanský. The Limits of Cooperation between the Czech and Slovak Opposition. In: KMEŤ, Norbert - MARUŠIAK, Juraj: Slovakia and the Normalization Regime. Institute of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences - Michal Vasek Publishing House, Bratislava - Prešov 2003, pp. 206-221.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal: Agricultural protests: a chapter from the representation of agricultural interests and the accession negotiations of the Czech Republic to the EU. In: DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vladimíra - HEROUTOVÁ, Andrea: II. congress of Czech political scientists. Czech Society for Political Science, Prague 2003, pp. 219-230.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Opposition and Resistance: Towards a Typology of Dissent from the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia 1968-1989. In: DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vladimíra - HEROUTOVÁ, Andrea: II. congress of Czech political scientists. Czech Society for Political Science, Prague 2003, pp. 261-270.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Anne nucleare, Tratatul de la Varşovia şi Cehoslovacia după criza cubaneză. In: GOŞU, Armand - RUSAN, Romulus: Şcoala memoriei 2003. Fundaţia Academia Civică, Bucureşti 2003, pp. 281-297.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Let's meet - for the time being - in Poland: the Wroclaw Festival, November 3-5, 1989. In: TARAJŁO-LIPOWSKA, Zofia - MALICKI, Jarosław (eds.): Wrocław in the Czech Republic - Czechs in Wrocław: Literature - language - culture. University of Wrocław, Wrocław 2003, pp. 371-389.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Czech Children. In: PÁNEK, Jaroslav - TŮMA, Oldřich (eds.): Manual of the Encyclopaedia of Czech History. Historical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2003, pp. 437-439.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Solidarity with Solidarity: The Opposition Movement in Czechoslovakia and the Declaration of Polish "Martial Law" in December 1981. In: DĄBROWSKI, Dariusz (ed.): From Rivalry to Cooperation: Polish-Czech Relations in the Research of Young Historians from Poland and the Czech Republic. College of Eastern Europe, Wrocław 2003, pp. 245-265.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Give peace a chance! Pacifism and Informal Youth Peace Activities in Czechoslovakia 1980-1989. In. Votobia - Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 2002, pp. 11-107. [One of the chapters was also published in Polish: BLAŽEK, Petr: Odmowa służby wojskowej w Czechosłowacji 1969-1989. Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, 2003, no. 2 (4), pp. 253-270.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Representation of agricultural interests in the political system of the Czech Republic. Politologická revue, 2002, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 22-38.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal: Agrarian political parties and movements in selected post-communist party systems. In. Studies of the Slovak Museum No. 7, Uherské Hradiště 2002, pp. 275-294. [English version: Comparison of agrarian political parties in selected Central European states after 1989. Agricultural Economics, 2002, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 544-553.]
- BLAŽEK, Petr: The case of Ivan Polanský. The unification of samizdat publishers in Czechoslovakia. In.: MATONOHA, Jan (ed.): Life is elsewhere...?: Czech Literature, Culture and Society in the 1970s and 1980s. Institute for Czech Literature of the CAS, v.v.i., Prague 2002, pp. 129-139.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Corresponding Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences JUDr. Jiří Hájek (1968-1976): from the Communist Party to the Opposition Movement. In: KOSTLÁN, Antonín (ed.): Science in Czechoslovakia in the Period of Normalization (1970-1975). Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2002, pp. 423-455.
- IWANOW, Mikołaj: The Dissident Movement in the Soviet Union. Translated from Polish by Petr Blazek. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 8-17.
- KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz: Opposition Movement in the Polish People's Republic. Translated from Polish by Petr Blazek. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 59-85.
- KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz: The Polish United Workers Party and the Prague Spring. Translated from Polish by Petr Blazek. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - VÉVODA, Rudolf (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Warsaw, 4-5 September 2003. Dokořán - Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2006, pp. 104-116.
- MAJCHRZAK, Grzegorz: Operation "Podhale". Translated from Polish by Petr Blažek. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz - VÉVODA, Rudolf (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Warsaw, 4-5 September 2003. Dokořán - Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2006, pp. 156-171.
teaching texts, instructional DVDs
- PURVES, Gillian (ed.): Lest We Forget. A testimony on totalitarianism in Europe. A reader for senior high school students anywhere in Europe. Platform for European Memory and Conscience - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Prague 2013, thematic entries on pp. 87, 101, 110, 119, 160, 181, 248 and 253. [English version: Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitariasnism in Europe. A reader for older secondary school students anywhere in Europe. Institut for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes - Platform of European Memory and Conscience, Prague 2013; German version: Damit wir nicht vergessen; French version: Pour ne pas oublier.]
- One World at Schools - long-term cooperation with the NGO People in Need
- Modern History - long-term cooperation with PANT
- BLAŽEK, Petr - ZEMAN, Pavel: Let the facts speak. With historian Tomáš Staňek about the forced displacement of Germans from Czechoslovakia, his professional work and the study of the history of Czech-German relations. Interview. Memory and History, 2013, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 63-74.
- BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): 1989 in Central Europe (Mirosław Jasiński, František Mikloško, Bernd Gehrke, György Varga). Interview. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (eds.): The Domino Effect. Opposition Movements in Central European Countries and the Fall of Communist Regimes in 1989. Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Prague 2013, pp. 257-264.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - SVOBODA, Libor: I avoided collective work. Biographical interview with Václav Veber. In: SVOBODA, Libor (eds.): Solitaire. Homage to the historian Václav Veber. ÚSTR, Prague 2012, pp. 9-40.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - VÉVODA, Rudolf: Showing the whole panorama. An Interview with Marek Lasota and Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski on Exploring the Communist Past in Poland. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 109-114.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: How I grew up behind the Iron Curtain. Interview with Petr Sís. Memory and History, 2008, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 96-101.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: Every good deed must be deservedly punished. Panel discussion with Jan Broj, Ivo Feierabend and Ivan Dejmal. In: BLAŽEK, Petr - KUBÁLEK, Michal (eds.): Rural Collectivization in Czechoslovakia 1948-1960 and Central European Context. Dokořán - Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Prague 2008, pp. 303-320.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: "The times have evolved." In: PAŽOUT, Jaroslav (ed.): Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted. Political Persecution, Opposition and Independent Activities in Czechoslovakia, 1978-1989. Proceedings of the grant project, No. 2. Libri prohibiti, Prague 2008, pp. 124-133.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: I was sentenced by a military court. Panel discussion with conscientious objectors. In: BLAŽEK, Petr (ed.): Denial of Military Service in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989. Academia, Prague 2007, pp. 239-272.
- BLAŽEK, Petr - MAJEWSKI, Grzegorz: Granica Przyjaźni. Karta, 2005, no. 45, pp. 118-136.
- BLAŽEK, Petr: There were five of us. Interview with Ivana Šustrová. Listy, 2003, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 65-66.
- Lidové noviny, MF Dnes, Literární noviny, Respekt, Rzeczpospolita, Týdeník A2, Proglas, etc. - author of numerous newspaper articles, reviews and interviews
- Czech Television and Czech Radio - appearances in a number of programmes and historical documentaries
web projects
- 2020 Website of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century
- 2019 Website about the executed anti-communist resistance fighter Vladivoj Tomko
- 2015 Internet portal on the history of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted
- 2007 Jan Palach. Multimedia project of Charles University. Internet portal about Jan Palach. / /
documentary films, film cooperation
Expert film consultant
- 2023 The Great Sadness
- 2020 Charlatan
- 2020 I believe that more light will not be needed
- 2019 Czech Student Revolts
- 2019 Totalita: A Multimedia Guide to Czechoslovakia 1948-1989
- 2018 Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted
- 2017 Anticharter, the mechanism of loyalty
- 2017 Theatre of Defiance
- 2017 The Third Human Torch
- 2016 Student Revolts - Student Movement 1987-1989
- 2016 Student Revolts - Student Movement of the 1960s
- 2016 Rino - the story of a spy
- 2013 Burning Bush
- 2013 The Secret of the Family
- 2012 Film about the film: The Burning Bush
- 2011 13th Chamber of Dominik Duka
- 2010 21 spokespersons of Charter 77
- 2010 I didn't hurt anyone
- 2009 Handcuffs
- 2009 Secret StB actions
- 2008 The Message of Jan Palach
- 2008 VladimírBrabec's 13th Chamber