research focus
- the activities of intelligence services and other security forces in the 20th century
- activities of the anti-totalitarian resistance movement, especially in Central and Eastern Europe
- history of international terrorism
- E-mail:
professional curriculum
- 2001 - completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
- 1992 - graduation from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
- 1987 - graduation from Nad Alejí Grammar School, Prague
professional activity
- since 2017 - Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- from 2015 - 2017 Department for War Veterans, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
- 2013-2014 Adviser to the Deputy Minister of the Interior for Personnel in the area of the past and memory agenda
- 2011-2013 Director of the Office of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
- since 2011 - lecturer at the CEVRO Institute
- 2010-2011 - Advisor to the Director of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
- since 2010 - Chairman of the Editorial Board of the professional journal Securitas Imperii
- since 2010 - vice-chairman of the editorial board of the journal Memory and History
- since 2010 - member of the Editorial Board of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
- since 2009 - member of the International Scientific Council, Estonian Institute of Historical Memory
- since 2009 - member of the Scientific Council, Romanian National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS)
- 2008-2010 - Director of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
- since 2004 - member of the editorial board of the quarterly journal History and Military Science
books and editions
- Chekists. State security organs in the European countries of the Soviet bloc 1944-1989. Academia Publishing House, Prague 2019, co-editors Persak, K., Kamiński, L., Blažek, P.
- Jakes' Gestapo. The communist authorities and November 1989. World of Wings, Cheb 2019
- From Albertov to Národní třída. 17 November 1989 in Prague 2 as seen by the communist security forces. Vladimír Vyskočil - Koršach, Prague 2019
- Biographical Dictionary of the Chiefs of Operational Administrations of the State Security. Academia Publishing House - ÚSTR, Prague 2017, co-authors Bárta, M., Kalous, J., Povolný, D., Sivoš J.
- Memory of Nations. Democratic Transition Guide. CEVRO, z.s., Prague 2017, co-author N. Maráková.
- The Vlasov people in the fight for Prague. Assistance of the 1st Russian Division of the KONR Armed Forces to the insurgent Prague, 5 - 9 May 1945. Document edition. Academia Publishing House, Prague 2017.
- Memory of Nations in Democratic Transition. The Czech Experience, CEVRO - Liberal Conservative Academy, Prague, 2015.
- Prague under the armour of the hairdressers. The Czech May Uprising in Photography, vol. IV, Mladá fronta, Prague 2014.
- Tell the truth and hold nothing back. Protocols of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to Clarify the Events of 17 November 1989, Volume II, CEVRO - Liberal Conservative Academy, Prague, 2014.
- Tell the truth and hold nothing back. Protocols of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Events of 17 November 1989. Part I. ÚSTR, Prague 2013.
- The reverse face of the Prague Spring. State Security in Prague and August 1968, Svět křídel, Cheb 2010
- Die Tschechoslowakei 1945/48 bis 1989. Studien zu kommunistscher Herrschaft und Repression. Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2008 (ed. with Bernd Faulenbach and Ulrich Mählert).
- At the Head of the StB - The Fall of the Regime in the Records of a Secret Police Officer, Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2006
- Power versus Citizen, The Role of Repression and Political Violence in Communism, Proceedings of the International Seminar, Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2006 (co-editors Patrik Košický, Eva Guldanová).
- Encyclopedia of Secret Services in the 20th Century, Euromedia Group, k. s. Prague 2006 , co-editor of Czech and Slovak entries.
- Instrument of the Class State - Organisation of the Ministries of the Interior and Security Forces 1953-1990, Document Edition, Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2005.
- Breakthrough - CIA Agent inside the Communist Nomenklatura, Votobia, Olomouc 2004, (co-author František Doskočil).
- Menší sestra I. - Vznik a vývoj První správy ministrstva vnitra 1953-1959, Edice dokumentů, Prameny a studie k dějinám československého exilu 1948-1989, Svazek 7, Nakladatelství Prius, Brno 2004.
- The French Mole - In the First Line of the Cold War, Svět křídel, Cheb 2003, co-author František Vojtásek.
- Jan Kavan: In the labyrinth of services, In the labyrinth of secret services - Jan Kavan in the documents of the State Security, Formát, Prague 2003, pp. 11-474, co-author Přemysl Vachalovský.
- Barracks on the Left Bank - Smíchov and its surroundings in the Prague Uprising 1945, Svět křídel, Cheb 2003.
- The StB in Slovakia during the "Normalization" - The Agony of Communist Power in the Seductions of the Secret Police, Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava 2002.
- Top secret! State Security under Normalisation - Selected Directives and Methodological Instructions of the Political Police 1978 - 1989, Votobia, Prague 2001.
- Boje o minulost - Deset let vyrovnávání se s komunistickou minulostí - pokus o předběžnou výpověď, Barrister & Principal, Brno 2000.
- Daily situation reports of the State Security from November and December 1989, Document Edition, co-authored with Patrik Benda, Securitas Imperii, 2000, No. 6/I.
- Daily situation reports of the State Security in November and December 1989, Document Edition, co-authored with Patrik Benda, Securitas Imperii, 2000, No. 6/II.
- Edition of documents, co-author Patrik Benda, Securitas Imperii, 2000, No. 6/III.
- Organization and Management of Repression in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - General Lorenz's Operational Staffs 1988-1989, Document Edition, Securitas Imperii, Proceedings on the Problems of Security Forces, 1998, No. 4/I.
- Organization and Management of Repression in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - General Lorenz's Operational Staffs 1988-1989, Document Edition, Securitas Imperii, Proceedings on the Problems of Security Forces, 1998, No. 4/II.
- Organization and Management of Repression in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - General Lorenz's Operational Staffs 1988-1989, Document Edition, Securitas Imperii, Proceedings on the Problems of Security Forces, 1998, No. 4/III.
- The Last Months - The StB Meeting of 20 July 1989 and its Implementation, Document Edition, Securitas Imperii, Proceedings on the Problems of the Security Forces, 1996, No.3.
professional articles
- Carlos the Jackal in Prague: Communist Czechoslovakia and International Terrorism - A case study. In: Hänni, A., Riegler, T., Gasztold, P. (eds.): Terrorism in the Cold War. Vol. State Support in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Sphere of Influence. I. B. Tauris, London 2020
- The emergency security measures and "Operation Student". An overview of the activities of SNB units and troops of the Ministry of the Interior on November 17, 1989. In: Securitas Imperii, 2019, 1 (36)
- Underfire or Quick Information for the Chief. Exploitation of the information flow of the State Security from November 20 to December 8, 1989. In.
- "We will not submit to terror". February 1948 in the archives of the Security Forces Archive. In.
- Study Institute of the Ministry of the Interior against the Occupation I. In: Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2018, No. 16
- Legal impediments to the non-issuance of the certificate of a participant in resistance and resistance. In: Expressions of respect and gratitude. In: Žáček, P. et al., Ministry of Defence, Prague, 2018.
- Digitization of archival materials of communist security forces. In: Expressions of respect and gratitude. In: Žáček, P. et al., Ministry of Defence, Prague, 2018 (co-author P. Rendek).
- Efforts to prosecute the Charter 77 "pamphlet". In: Expressions of Respect and Gratitude. In: Žáček, P. et al., Ministry of Defence, Prague, 2018 (co-author M. Bártová).
- The Czechoslovak Little Sister: A brief overview of the organizational development of the foreign intelligence service in Communist Czechoslovakia, 1953 - 1989. Remembrance and Justice (2017), 2 (30).
- The first set of Soviet advisors. Control and management of the Czechoslovak security apparatus, 1949-1953. Securitas Imperii, 2017, no. 2 (31).
- For peace and socialism to the bitter end II. Documents on the cooperation between Czechoslovak and Soviet intelligence in 1987-1989 II. Securitas Imperii, 2017, No. 2 (31).
- The counterintelligence counterterrorism apparatus of the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s. Proceedings of the Archive of Security Forces, 2017, No. 15.
- "Tensions continue in Budapest". Reports of the Residency of the Intelligence Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, 1956-1957. Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2017, No. 15.
- The Czech Experience. Dismantling the State Security Apparatus; Regime Archives; Investigation and Prosecution of the Crimes of the Regime; Lustration. In: Memory of Nations. Democratic Transition Guide. CEVRO, z.s., Prague 2017.
- Agent V-101. Method of controlling political opponents after 1945. In: Guba I., Syrný M. et al., eds., Jozef Lettrich and His Times. Jozef Lettrich Foundation, Martin, 2016.
- Project "Jonquil" and Mělník. OSS efforts to create an operational base in the Protectorate, 1944. Confluens. Homeland History of Mělník, 2017, No. 10.
- The Last Chief of Czechoslovak Foreign Espionage in 1989. A Portrait of Vilém Václavek (aka Kainar). Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies, 2017, no. 1 (11).
- Behind the scenes of the "March on Prague". Who negotiated the vlasov aid to the rebels. Archival Journal, 2017, No. 2.
- "Tensions continue in Budapest". Reports of the Residency of the Intelligence Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, 1956-1957. Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2016, No. 14.
- The Rino case: our man in the CIA. Management of the top Czechoslovak agency by Soviet intelligence, 1973-1976. Securitas Imperii, 2016, no. 2 (29).
- The KGB and the Czechoslovak State Security Apparatus in August 1968. The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 2016, no. 4.
- "Beroun was almost overblooded". Preparation and beginning of the May Uprising in Beroun. The past of Beroun. Proceedings of the State District Archive in Beroun, 2016, no. 19.
- Sweeping the tracks. Sorting out the bundle agenda at the State Security Headquarters in December 1989. Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2015, No. 13.
- Unknown uprising. May 1945 in the archives of the Security Forces Archive. Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2015, No. 13.
- The Vlasov people in the fight for Prague. Cooperation of the Military Command of Greater Prague with the 1st Infantry Division of the KONR Armed Forces in documents. Securitas Imperii, 2015, no. 2 (27).
- Beelzebub against the devil. The so-called Soviet mission, the hairdressers and the Prague Uprising. Securitas Imperii, 2015, no. 2 (27).
- Dispose of Vlasov. Confirmed - eliminate! The culmination of the Voron action against the background of the Prague Uprising. History and Military, 2015, No. 3.
- From the radio correspondence of the "Fakel" group. On parachute jumps of the 4th NKGB USSR administration and drops of material in Podbrdsko. Podbrdsko, 2015, No. 7.
- KONR in German documents. In: ZOLOTAREV, Igor (ed.): Po materialam meždunarodnoj konferencii, Praga, 14 - 16 nojabrja 2014 goda, Izdatelstvo "Russkaja tradicija", Prague 2015.
- Reakcija sovetskoj gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti na vozniknovenie KONR. Sem dokumenty 4-go upravleniya NKGB USSR (janvar-mart 1945) In: ZOLOTAREV, Igor (ed.): The Prague Manifesto of the KONR. Po materialam meždunarodnoj konferencii, Praga, 14 - 16 nojabrja 2014 goda, Izdatelstvo "Russkaja tradicija", Prague 2015.
- Our Comrade in Havana. The Establishment of Czechoslovak Residency and Co-operation with the Cuban Security Service. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2014, no. 3.
- Defector in the Free World. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2014, No. 3.
- The last days of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.Miloš Jakeš after 17 November 1989. In: Memory and History, 2014, No. 4.
- Operational survey of the State Security Headquarters.An unknown chapter from the demonstration of 17 November 1989. In: Memory and History, 2014, No. 3.
- Administration of counterintelligence documents II. The Unified Registration, Statistical and Archival System of the StB in 1978-1989. In: Proceedings of the Archive of Security Forces, 2013, No. 11.
- The origins of Operation RJAN: an insider's view.From documents on the Main Intelligence Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, 1982-1984. In: Securitas Imperii, No. 22 (1/2013).
- Jaroslav Prosser and February 1948.From the head of the Provincial Office of State Security to an agent. In: Memory and History, 2013, No. 2.
- Karol URBAN, I followed Dubček.Memoirs of an Esteban. In.
- Jan Masaryk in the Czechoslovak Foreign News . In : Memory and History, 2013, No. 1.
- ÚSTR and ABS - five years of mutual coexistence. In: Memory and History, 2013, No. 1.
- Administration of counterintelligence documents.Unified registration, statistical and archival system of the StB after 1970. In: Proceedings of the Archive of Security Forces, 2012, No. 10.
- Operation Tomis III and Ideological Diversion.Václav Havel in the documents of the State Security, 1965-1968. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2012, no. 2.
- The Rise and Fall of Miroslav Kvítek. The family drama of a communist stalwart. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2012, no. 2.
- Military Intelligence from Libya and Terrorism. The "Oil" residency in the materials of the Main Military Counterintelligence Directorate. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2012, no. 2.
- Radio Free Europe through the eyes of the State Security Service. In: Behind the Iron Curtain, 2012, No. 2.
- A defector in the free world. Interview with Ladislav Bittman. In: Memory and History, 2012, No. 4.
- KGB and August 1968.The role of Soviet "advisors" in the occupation of Czechoslovakia. In. A tribute to historian Václav Veber. ÚSTR 2012, pp. 307-337.
- The socialist solidarity of fraternal intelligence.Documents from the last meeting of the Chiefs of the First Administration in Berlin, 17-21 October 1988. In: Securitas Imperii, No. 21 (2/2012).
- Our comrade in Havana. Establishment of the Czechoslovak Residency and cooperation with the Cuban Security Service. In.
- The assassination of Heydrich - the view from London II.Preparations and consequences of 27 May 1942 in Ivo Duchacek's diaries. In: Memory and History, 2012, No. 3.
- The "Professor" event. Ladislav Vaněk and the State Security: an attempt at reconstruction. In: Memory and History, 2012, no. 2.
- The assassination of Heydrich as seen from London. Preparations and consequences of 27 May 1942 in Eduard Taborsky's diaries. In: Memory and History, 2012, no. 2.
- A Czechoslovak view of Polish intelligence.Documents and cooperation of satellite intelligence services, 1964. In: Securitas Imperii, 2012, no. 1 (20).
- Action "Tomis III" and ideological diversion.Václav Havel in State Security Documents, 1965-1968. In: Memory and History, 2012, No. 1.
- "Socialism, above all, is evidence".Changes in the registration, recording and archiving of agency-operational volumes 1958-1962. In. Proceedings of the Security Forces Archive, 2011, No. 9.
- The Soviet Union and the KGB of the USSR from the perspective of Czechoslovak intelligence. Two documents from the early days of the FMV Intelligence Administration. In: Memory and History, 2011, No. 4.
- The rise and fall of Miroslav Kvítek. The family drama of a communist supporter. In: Memory and History, 2011, no. 4.
- The lustration law after twenty years. In: Memory and History, 2011, No. 4.
- Military intelligence from Libya and terrorism. Residency "Oil" in the materials of the Main Administration of Military Counterintelligence. In: Memory and History, 2011, No. 3.
- Application of the Third Resistance Act. In: Memory and History, 2011, No. 3.
- Action "Gomez".The kidnapping of Nikifor Horbaniuk from Munich. In: Memory and History, 2011, no. 2.
- A failed NKGB mission. Deployment of agent Vitovsky to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 1944-1945. In: Memory and History, 2011, no. 1.
- Radio Free Europe through the eyes of the State Security. Photographs in the object volume of communist intelligence, co-author Ivana Koutská. In: Memory and History, 2011, No. 1.
- Hairstreaks through German eyes. Anabasis of the 1st Infantry Division of the KONR Armed Forces in spring 1945. In: Securitas Imperii, 2011, No. 1 (18).
- From the operational meetings of the Chief of I. Administration.Key documents of the Main Intelligence Administration of the SNB in 1989. In: Proceedings of the Archive of Security Forces, 2010, No. 8.
- Czechoslovakia. In: The Czechists. Security bodies in the European countries of the Soviet bloc 1944-1989. Eds. PERSAK, Krzystof - KAMIŇSKI, Lukasz. IPN, Warsaw 2010, co-author Petr Blažek.
- The rumour of Martin Šmíd's death and its investigation. Reconstruction of the State Security investigation file. In: Securitas Imperii, 2010, No. 1 (16).
- Lustration laws in the Czech Republic. Application of Acts No. 451/1991 Coll. and No. 279/1992 Coll. In. International conference. DVD. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Prague 2010.
- They didn't trust me, I didn't trust them. With Richard Sacher about his trip to the Ministry of the Interior, boxes full of volumes, the liquidation of the StB and what Havel told him, in.
- Dismantling and cleaning of safety structures. The beginning of 1990 from the perspective of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, in.
- "Legalization" of Lieutenant Ludvík Zifčák. In : Memory and History, 2009, No. 4.
- The KGB and 17 November 1989. The last agreement on Czechoslovak-Soviet cooperation in the counter-intelligence field. In.
- The latest foreign intelligence reorganization. Reducing the numbers of the SNB Main Intelligence Directorate in 1988-1990, in.
- Soviet Assistance in the Organization of the Special Purpose Service, in: NKVD/KGB Activities and Cooperation with the Secret Services of Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989. II. Proceedings of the International Conference. INSTITUTE OF SECURITY STUDIES. Prague 2009.
- "The Murder of Martin Smid". The story of the student statement of 18 November 1989, in.
- Activities of the Main Administration of the State Security in 20-26 August 1968, in: Security Apparatus, Propaganda and the Prague Spring. Proceedings of the International Conference. ÚSTR 2009.
- For peace and socialism to the bitter end. Documents on Czechoslovak and Soviet Intelligence Cooperation, 1985-1989, in.
- Cooperation between the KGB of the USSR and the Ministry of the Interior at the highest level. Edition of Agreements on Mutual Czechoslovak State Security Cooperation, 1958-1989, in: Memory and History, 2009, No. 2 (co-author J. Sivoš).
- Press order before 15 March 1939. Censorship measures under the increased threat to the Republic, in.
- Why did they do it? A few words by way of introduction, in: Praha objektivem tajné policie/Prague through the Lens sof the Secret Police. ÚSTR 2008.
- Defender of "socialist" legality. The Political Management of the Prosecutor's Office against the Internal Enemy, 1988-1989, in.
- The split in the State Security during the Prague Spring, in: Dejmek, Jindřich - Loužek Marek (eds.): August 1968. Forty Years After. A collection of texts. A collection of essays on the history of the Czech Republic.
- Analysis of the documents on the arrest of the "agent-walker" Miroslav Dvořáček, in. Memory and History, 2008, No. 4 (co-author I. Koutská).
- A rift between "friends". The collapse of Czechoslovak-Hungarian cooperation in the counterintelligence field, in.
- Colonel Kroh's bow ties. Testimony of the chief of the "Letná" object about the course of the occupation, in.
- The Brabec case. An Attempt to Revive a "Soviet Collaborator", in.
- Comrades Destined for Internment, in: Memory and History, 2008, No. 2
- Communists raise not a finger but a fist, in: Memory and History, 2008, No. 2.
- Abuses of the National Security Corps in February 1948, In: Dejmek, Jindřich - Loužek, Marek (eds.): February 1948. Sixty Years After. A collection of texts. A collection of essays on the history of the Czech Republic.
- "Drtina in Pilsen: An Attempt to Organise a Reactionary Power Action", in: Memory and History, 2008, no. 1.
- Der Prozess der Demokratisierung und der Auseinandersetzung mit der Totalität im Bereich Recht/Process of Democratization and Coping with Totalitarianism in the Field of Law, In: Auseinandersetzung mit der totalitären Vergagenheit. Deutsche und tschechische Wege nach 1989 - ein Vergleich/Coping with the Totalitarian Past. A comparison of the situation in Germany and the Czech Republic after 1989. BWV, Berlin 2008.
- "Sachergate": the first lustration affair, in: Memory and History, 2007, No. 1.
- Some Views on Ladislav K. Feierabend, In: Feierabend Ladislav: Agricultural Cooperativeism in Czechoslovakia until 1952, Stehlík Publishing House, Volary 2007, pp. 6-8.
- V-101. Agent, ze kuru se dalo žít, In.
- La vía moderada checa hacia la superación del pasado totalitario, In: Experiencias de la transición Checa. X crossing, Prague 2006, pp. 199-210.
- Syarendi cheski slich da peraadolennya tatalitarnaga minulaga, In: Transfarmaciya cheski doсьved. X crossing, Prague 2006, pp. 117-122.
- "The Bravest Gold" of the Jarnaca. The supra-universal activities of the Janjabispec in the field of agent-apparatus work in 1947-1989, In: Arche, 2006, No. 7-8 (47-48), pp. 163-201.
- Czechoslovakia cover, In: A Handbook of the Communist Security Apparatus in East Central Europe, 1944-1989 Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw 2005, pp. 87-161, co-authored with Petr Blažek.
- The Role of ODS in Overcoming the Communist Past, In: Balík, Stanislav et al.: The Civic Democratic Party and Czech Politics, ODS in the Czech Political System in 1991 - 2006, Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, Brno 2006, pp. 195-213.
- Czechoslovak-Soviet Operational Agency Cooperation of the StB and KGB against the So-called Ideodiverse Centres 1987 - 1989, co-author Patrik Košický, Pamät' národa, 2006, No. 3, pp. 36-53.
- The Special Purpose Service - The Most Secret Section of the Czechoslovak Intelligence Apparatus 1963-1969, Pamät' naroda, 2006, No. 3, pp. 20-25.
- Akce Bratři - Přípravy únosu a vrazdy Ctirada a Josefa Mašínových 1957-1968, In: Power versus Citizen, The Role of Repression and Political Violence in Communism, Proceedings of the International Seminar, Institute of Memory of the Nation, Bratislava 2006, pp. 77-96.
- Registration, management and archiving of volumes in the directives of the Czechoslovak Communist Intelligence, Pamät' naroda, 2006, no. 2, pp. 57-68.
- The case of "ALBERT SZÉPLAKI" - Hungarian plans for the aggressive kidnapping of Jozef Vicen, Pamät' naroda, 2006, no. 1, pp. 19-29.
- The Cases of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, In: HATSCHIKJAN, Magarditsch - RELJIĆ, Dušan - ŠEBEK, Nenad (eds.): Disclosing hidden history: Lustration in the Western Balkans. A project Documentation, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Thessaloniki 2005, pp. 80-82.
- Meyer-Detring's mission to the headquarters of the Heeresgruppe "Mitte", History and Military Science, 2005, no. 4, pp. 95-98.
- Prague - Vienna, Vienna - Prague - Operative Correspondence of Illegal Intelligence, 1989 - 1990, Pamät' naroda, 2005, No. 4, pp. 33-42.
- Prague's Revenge - the attempted kidnapping of Ctirad and Josef Mašín, Memory of the Nation, 2005, No. 4, pp. 26-32.
- "Sharp Weapon" of the State Security - StB Collaborators in the Directives for Agency and Operational Work 1947 - 1989, In: Blažek, Petr (ed.): Opposition and Resistance against the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia 1968 - 1989, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University - Dokořán, Prague 2005, pp. 180-222.
- Communists vs. agrarians, In: Mrklas, Ladislav (ed.): 15 years after, Proceedings on the fifteenth anniversary of the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, CEVRO - Liberal-Conservative Academy, Prague 2005, pp. 171-173.
- The State and Public Security in Post-Empire Politics, (co-author Patrik Košický), Memory of the Nation, 2005, No. 3, pp. 43-53.
- Agency-operative volumes of the State Security and their records, 1954-1957, Memory of the Nation, 2005, No. 3, pp. 6-17.
- The ups and downs of Bohumir Molnar - Career of the General of the State Security, In: Čelovský, Bořivoj: The Eyes and Ears of the Party, Seven Views into the Life of the StB, Tilia Publishing House, Šenov u Ostravy 2005, pp. 77-117.
- The Origins and Development of the Czechoslovak Interior Ministry First Directorate: Communist Espionage in the 1950s, The Journal of Intelligence History, 2005, no. 1, pp. 81-84.
- Compensation of victims in a broader context, In: Fajmon, Hynek (ed.): The Soviet Occupation of Czechoslovakia and its Victims, Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, Brno 2005, pp. 98-102.
- Der tschechische Weg aus dem Komunismus. Horch und Guck, 2005, no. 1, pp. 58-61.
- Military Command of Great Prague: 'All for Victory', History and Military, 2005, no. 2, pp. 115-123.
- The Last Days of the Commander of the Waffen-SS Bohemia and Moravia, History and Military, 2005, No. 2, pp. 105-111.
- Jaromír Nechanský and the Prague Uprising, History and Military, 2005, no. 2, pp. 4-17; no. 3, pp. 43-60.
- Office for Documentation and Investigation of Crimes of Communism, Memory of the Nation, 2005, No. 2, pp. 81-84.
- An Analysis of the Czechoslovak Defector's Activity on Satellite Services, (co-author Patrik Košický), Pamät' národa, 2005, no. 2, pp. 33-39.
- Class Struggle after 17 November 1989 in the Documents of the Political Apparatus of the CSLA, History and Military Science, 2005, No. 1, pp. 105-119.
- The KGB on the Road to Communism, Pamät' naroda, 2005, no. 1, pp. 42-57.
- Office of the Federal Commissioner for the State Security Service of the former GDR, co-authored with Tomáš Vilímek, Memory of the Nation, 2004, No. 0, pp. 78-85.
- Václav Benda: "The fact that I was the director of the ÚDV is just an episode in my whole effort", Memory of the Nation, 2004, No. 0, pp. 66-69.
- "They can come, we're done..." The so-called Lorenzo shredding of December 1989 in documents, Pamät' národa, 2004, no. 0, pp. 28-41.
- The "sharp weapon" of the State Security. Political Police Collaborators in Directives for Agency-Operative Work, 1947-1989, Memory of the Nation, 2004, No. 0, pp. 4-27.
- Against the Internal Enemy - Outline of the Activities of the StB Administration in České Budějovice in 1989, Jihočeský sborník historický, 2004, 73, pp. 215-230.
- The Rise and Fall of Bohumir Molnar - The Emergence and Development of Czechoslovak Intelligence in the 1950s, I. - III., Central Europe, 2004, No. 119, pp. 100-114; No. 120, pp. 115-126; No. 121, pp. 99-117.
- The First Guidelines for the Activities of Military Adjutants, History and Military Science, 2004, no. 2, pp. 89-93.
- Agent of the Free World - The Career of Intelligence Officer František Tišler, History and Military, 2004, no. 1, pp. 92-107.
- Armáda pod drobnohledem - Vojenská kontrarozvědka v dokumentech, 1974-1989, Historie a vojenství, 2003, no. 3-4, pp. 797-836.
- On Both Sides - Czechoslovak Military Intelligence of the 1950s to the 1970s through the Eyes of a Mole, In: Vojtásek František - Žáček Pavel: The French Mole, In the First Line of the Cold War, Svět křídel, Cheb 2003, pp. 187-259.
- Leaky Lists, Revue Prostor, 2003, No. 57, pp. 26-28.
- Separation of persons in the 1950s (kidnappings directed by the Czechoslovak State Security), In: Babka Lukáš - Veber Václav (eds.): For Freedom and Democracy III, The Third (Anti-Communist) Resistance, University of Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové 2002, pp. 117-141.
- Political Police Against Youth - StB Efforts to Control the So-Called Youth Issues in the Second Half of the 1980s, In: Vaněk Miroslav a spol.: Ostrůvky svobody, Cultural and Civic Activities of the Young Generation in the 1980s in Czechoslovakia, Institute for Contemporary History of the CAS - Votobia Prague, Prague 2002, pp. 273-332.
- ÚDV under the one-colour government of the ČSSD, Mukl, 2002, No. 1, pp. 33-36.
- The fight against churches and sects: a view from the StB headquarters - Outline of the agency-operational activities of the 9th Department of the Main Counterintelligence Administration of the SNB in 1989, In: Fiala Petr - Hanuš Jiří (eds.): Catholic Church and Totalitarianism in the Czech Lands, Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, Brno 2001, pp. 125-160.
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