Virtual tour with digital audio guide SmartGuide
The Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century in cooperation with the Czech startup SmartGuide offers a free virtual tour of February 1948. Visitors will learn about the context of the political context of 1948 through a tour route in the SmartGuide app.
Historical walk for the first grade of primary school
On 12 January 2022, for the umpteenth time, the Museum of the Memory of the Twentieth Century organised a historical walk through Prague for schools on the topic of the February 1948 events. This time it was somewhat unusual, as...
So different, yet together. Debate on Charter 77 (20. 1. 2022)
45 years ago, in January 1977, the Declaration of Charter 77 was published. How did all these totally different people manage to get along? We cordially invite you to...
Christmas gift
Pokud hledáte vánoční dárek, máme pro Vás tip. Muzeum vydalo dvě nové knihy a časopis, které bude zanedlouho distribuovat Kosmas.cz do knihkupectví. Již nyní…
Photo Gallery: 1981 State of Emergency Debate in Poland (15. 12. 2021)
Debate State of Emergency in Poland 1981 / Maciej Ruczaj, Kamil Dworaczek, Petr Blažek, Veronika Bendová, Mirosław Jasiński Venue: the Václav Havel Library, Prague Date: 15 December 2021...
Debate State of Emergency in Poland 1981 (15 Dec 2021)
There was a joke in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s: what is the difference between Augusto Pinochet and General Jaruzelski? Answer: four dioptres. The leader of the Polish United Workers' Party, as he...
The first issue of the XX.
In mid-December 2021, the first yearbook of the Museum of 20th Century Memory will be published. It enriches the Czech public debate with a scholarly and popularizing periodical containing quality contributions that are balanced yet...
The Museum presented its activities to the Austrian Ambassador
On 24 November 2021, at the invitation of Her Excellency Bettina Kirnbauer, Jan Kalous, Director of the Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century, and Vít Fojtek, Head of the Collections and Exhibitions Department, visited the residence of...