At the Korzo Národní event, our stand was part of the so-called Civic Sector. Museum publications and the board game Through the Iron Curtain were on sale. In front of the Platýz Palace we reinstalled the exhibition Tigrid: Journalist, Exile and Politician. It was possible to meet us in two educational trams, where historian Michal Macháček and Petr Blažek, director of the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum, spoke about Pavel Tigrid.
The guide on the historical walk was architectural historian Zdeněk Lukeš, a participant in the demonstration on 17 November 1989 and a member of the Civic Forum Coordination Centre.
The atmosphere of the whole day was beautiful, we are glad that we could be part of the celebration of this important anniversary.
Photo galleries:
📷 Marta Myšková