PhDr. Jan Samohýl, Ph.D. (*1966)


  • Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century, Opletalova Street 22, Prague 1
  • phone +420 603 860 454
  • e-mail: jan.samohyl @


  • 1982-1986 Secondary School of Graphic Arts in Prague; major: photography (graduation)
  • 1986-1989 Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague; major: Czech language and art education (incomplete)
  • 1989-1994 Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague; major: theology (Mgr.)
  • 2007 rigorosum proceedings at CMTF UP in Olomouc; major: Christian Education (PhDr.)
  • 2003-2007 doctoral studies at the Faculty of Theology, JU in České Budějovice; major: theological anthropology and ethics (Th.D.); in 2017 the title was changed to Ph.D., according to the amended Higher Education Act

professional curriculum

  • 1994-1995 State grammar school in Říčany u Prahy (eight-year and four-year grammar school); subjects: basics of social sciences, Czech language, Latin
  • 1995-1996 Masaryk Classical Grammar School in Říčany u Prahy (eight-year and four-year grammar school); subjects: basics of social sciences, Czech language
  • 1996-1998 Head of St. Paul's Asylum House in České Budějovice
  • 1996-2006 external lecturer at the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University in České Budějovice
  • 1998 Advisor to the Minister of Culture Ing. J. Talíř
  • 1998-2008 teacher at the Czech-English Grammar School in České Budějovice (eight-year and four-year grammar school); subjects: basics of social sciences, history
  • 2001-2014 external lecturer at the Faculty of Education, JU in České Budějovice
  • 2006-2020 external teacher at the Jan Valerián Jirsík Grammar School in České Budějovice; subject: philosophical seminar
  • 2006-2016 assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Theology, JU in Č. Christianity and Judaism, Czech Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
  • 2008-2012 in charge of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at JU
  • 2012-2016 Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Arts, JU
  • 2016-2017 lecturer at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague
  • 2017-2020 Director of the Church Primary School ORBIS-PICTUS in Tábor
  • from 2020 Historical Education Officer for Education at the Museum of 20th Century Memory in Prague

educational projects

  • OP VVV 664 project name: Community of Practice; Increasing the quality of pupils' education, development of key competences, areas of education and literacy; Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague 2017-2019
  • Project name: Templates II OP VVV for CZŠ ORBIS-PICTUS; Elementary School Tábor 2018-2020
  • Project Local Action Plan for Education II in ORP Tábor; MAS Tábor 2019-2021
  • grant program South Bohemia Hussite project name: M. Jan Hus - witness of Christian faith for our time; Faculty of Theology, University of Bohemia in České Budějovice 2015 

Bibliography (selection)

  • "Jewish Inspirations of Christianity", JAN SAMOHÝL, Prague: Carmelite Publishing House, 2017, ISBN 978-80-7195-929-8, number of pages: 199
  • "I never rode in a hooded cloak, but apparently with my face uncovered (Philosophical and theological reflection on the letters of M. Jan Hus)" Studia theologica, 4/2015, Olomouc, ISSN 1212-8570, pp. 221-237.
  • "The Human Person as the Self that Gives Itself to You (The Concept of Dialogical Personalism in Karel Vrána)" Universum, 1/2016, Prague, ISSN 0862-8238, pp. 42-43.
  • "Home in the Ancient Origin, Philosophical Reflection on the Concept of Nature as Prussianness", in VLČKOVÁ (ed.), Signs of Faith in the Landscape, České Budějovice: Mýtiny, 2019, ISBN 978-80-270-5431-2, pp. 44-47.
  • "Wachsen und Tragen oder wie man auch Autorität und Toleranz im religiösen Kontext reflektieren kann" in ŠTĚCH, ROEBBEN, When East and West meet, Svitavy: Trinitas, 2019, ISBN 978-80-86885-46-9, pp. 214-219.