- Launch of the book Zbyněk Fišer | Egon Bondy and the State Security (20. 1. 2025)
- Debate: Guru of Czech History Prof. Robert Kvaček (4. 12. 2024)
- Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century at Korz Národní (17. 11. 2024)
- Debate: Parallels of development after 1989 in Czechoslovakia and Ukraine (15. 11. 2024)
- Seminar: Jazz and Swing as a Danger for Nazism and Communism? (13. 11. 2024)
- Seminar: on the canonization of Agnes of Bohemia (12 November 2024)
- Conference: (Not) Coming to Terms with the Communist Past ( 12-14 November 2024)
- Closing night of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival (8. 11. 2024)
- Seminar: Coping with the Legacy of Communist Justice (23 October 2024)
- Seminar: film as a museum medium (16 October 2024)
- Debate: Pavel Tigrid (24. 9. 2024)
- Guided tour of Interbrigade Square (24 September 2024)
- Opening of the exhibition 1984: George Orwell and Czechoslovakia (18 September 2024)
- Debate: Slovak National Uprising (5. 9. 2024)
- Opening of the exhibition about Pavel Tigrid (2. 9. 2024)
- Summer School for Teachers (29 Aug 2024)
- NeverMore 68 (21. 8. 2024)
- Commemoration of JUDr. Milada Horáková (27 June 2024)
- Screening of Escape to Berlin (26 June 2024)
- Pieta at Ďáblický Cemetery (26 June 2024)
- Guided tour of the exhibition 1984: George Orwell and Czechoslovakia (26 June 2024)
- Seminar on the burial site of the victims of the Second and Third Resistance at Ďáblický Cemetery (25 June 2024)
- Opening of the exhibition 1984: George Orwell and Czechoslovakia (25 June 2024)
- Educational event Across the Iron Curtain (24 June 2024)
- Screening of Plastic People of the Universe (19. 6. 2024)
- Opening of the exhibition on Jan Palach in Romania (13 June 2024)
- Summer school for high school students (11-12 June 2024)
- Screening of Pavel Tigrid the European (29 May 2024)
- Looking back at the World Book Fair Prague ´24 (23-26 May 2024)
- Debate Round Table as a tool for change (20 May 2024)
- Historical walk Little Moscow in Prague (15 May 2024)
- Meeting of the College of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century (14 May 2024)
- Launch of the book about Marshal Konev (6 May 2024)
- Seminar Marshal Radecký and his Prague Monument (5 April 2024)
- An evening of remembrance dedicated to Karel Kryl (12 April 2024)
- Conference The Role of Education in the Interpretation of Modern History (27 February 2024)
- Debate on Jan Zajíc and other living torches (27. 2. 2024)
- Crimes of Communism Conference (26 February 2024)
- The Iron Spike Debate in the Body of Time. The life and long shadow of V. I. Lenin (29. 1. 2024)
- Press conference on the reconstruction of the House of the Pážat and the activities of the Museum of the Memory of the XXth Century in 2024 (23 January 2024)
- Remembrance of Bořivoj Čelovský (6. 12. 2023)
- Debate History and Present of Constitutional Justice (29 November 2023)
- 17 November on Národní třída (17 November 2023)
- Commemorative act and exhibition at the War Memorial (17 November 2023)
- Fourth day of the festival (3. 11. 2023)
- Third day of the festival (2. 11. 2023)
- Second day of the festival (1. 11. 2023)
- First day of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival (31 October 2023)
- Seminar Mašínová not only in film (25. 10. 2023)
- Guided tour of the exhibition Eyes of the State Security ( 24 October 2023)
- Seminar Film as a Museum Medium (17 October 2023)
- Debate Along the Mašínů Way (7. 10. 2023)
- Historical tram and guided tour of the exhibition Eyes of the State Security (7 October 2023)
- Guided tour of the exhibition Eyes of the State Security (2 October 2023)
- Debate on the participation of Czechs and Slovaks in the wars in Indochina (25. 9. 2023)
- Press conference on the opening of the project Bells of Memory and the exhibition Eyes of the State Security ( 12 September 2023)
- Commemoration of Ryszard Siwiec and opening of an exhibition on Polish protests against the August occupation (8 September 2023)
- Opening of the Century of Martyrs exhibition in the Hejnice Monastery (1 September 2023)
- Summer School for Teachers (25 - 26 August 2023)
- Open Day at the House of the Pážat (26 June 2023)
- Open Flats, Open Hearts Debate. Defiant women in the era of normalization (21. 6. 2023)
- Summer Student Seminar in Svatý Jan pod Skalou (14 - 15 June 2023)
- Historical walk Jan Palach and Prague's places of memory (13 June 2023)
- Opening of the exhibition European GULAG (7. 6. 2023)
- Historical Walk Touches of the Underground and Břevnov (6 June 2023)
- Museum of the Memory of the 20th Century at the World Book Fair (11 - 14 May 2023)
- Debate Old Town Square - a place of symbols, rituals and memory (20 April 2023)
- Karel Kryl Memorial Evening ( 12. 4. 2023)
- Conference 1953. The end of Stalinism? (23. 3. 2023)
- Launch of the book Czech Uprising in May 1945 (23 March 2023)
- Seminar Crimes of Communism (23 February 2023)
- Historical Walk: 1948 February (22 February 2023)
- Student Conference Go Home, Ivan 1968 - 2023 (6. 2. 2023)
- Debate Historical context of the division of Czechoslovakia (14. 12. 2022)
- Presentation of the future form of the Museum of Memory of the 20th Century (30 November 2022)
- Rudolf Slánský and Co. conference (22. 11. 2022)
- Closing of the conference Russia's Hybrid War Against the Democratic World (18. 11. 2022)
- Educational tram and 17th November on Národní třída (17 November 2022)
- Platform of European Memory and Conscience in Prague at the Russian Hybrid War Conference (16 November 2022)
- The last two days of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival (11 - 12 November 2022)
- Fourth day of the festival (10. 11. 2022)
- Third day of the festival (9 November 2022)
- Second day of the festival (8 November 2022)
- Seminar on Czech Television (7 November 2022)
- Press Conference for the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival (7. 11. 2022)
- Debate Rehabilitation of General Syr (19. 10. 2022)
- Opening of the Mene Tekel Festival (17 October 2022)
- Author's reading by Olga Sozanska (14 October 2022)
- Opening of the Century of Martyrs exhibition (26 September 2022)
- Seminar Documentary film in the museum exhibition (12 September 2022)
- Commemoration of Ryszard Siwiec (12.9.2022)
- Open Day at the House of Pážat and concert by Václav Koubek (21 August 2022)
- Presentation of a book about Milad Horáková (27 June 2022)
- Ďáblice and other secret burial sites (23. 6. 2022)
- Photo gallery: debate One Hundred Years of the Great City of Prague (15. 6. 2022)
- Autumn of Nations book launch (9 June 2022)
- Action Macha (1. 5. 2022)
- College Meeting (26 April 2022)
- Debate The Forgotten General Sergei Vojtechovsky (20. 4. 2022)
- Author's reading by Lubomír Vejražka (19. 4.2022)
- An evening with Karel Kryl's songs (12 April 2022)
- Debate Historia magistra vitae (11. 4. 2022)
- Debate The importance of memory for the future of Europe (7.4.2022)
- Debate Ukraine, Russia and us (6 April 2022)
- Meeting with History on the Embankment(5. 4. 2022)
- The Three Kings - debate at the Václav Havel Library (17 March 2022)
- Opening of Pavel Vošický's exhibition So where are the Americans? (24. 2. 2022)
- Hradčanský Domeček - debate at the Václav Havel Library (23 February 2022)
- Debate Abolishing the StB and building new security forces (15 Feb 2022)
- Debate So different, yet together. Debate on Charter 77 (20. 1. 2022)
- Debate State of Emergency in Poland 1981 (15 Dec 2021)
- Debate Hungarian Revolution 1956 (23. 11. 2021)
- Debates on Národní třída and historical walk (17 November 2021)
- Launch of Miloš Šuchma's book Memories of a Czech-Canadian (16. 11. 2021)
- Last day of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival ( 14 November 2021)
- Festival Unbreakable and Sacrificed in Bio Oko (11.-13. 11. 2021)
- First day of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival (10. 11. 2021)
- Opening of the exhibition and launch of Pavel Vošický's book So Where Are the Americans? (10. 11. 2021)
- The band And even worse awaited me... (14. 10. 2021)
- First Martial Law Debate (28 Sep 2021)
- 21 August at the House of the Couple (21 Aug 2021)
- Press conference on the upcoming exhibition in the House of Pážat (15 June 2021)
- Commemorative act in memory of the victims of communism in Motol (26 May 2021)
- Radio Free Europe 70th Anniversary Debate (17 May 2021)
- Opening of the exhibition Red Century (14 May 2021)
- Historical walk with Jiří Padevet on the Prague Uprising (10 May 2021)
- Hot Books in the Cold War Debate (22 April 2021)
- The Unbreakable and the Sacrificed I Documentary Film Festival (10-12 November 2020)