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Debate Gusen - the extermination camp for the elites. On Monday, 6 March 2023 , at 7 pm, we invite you to the Václav Havel Library for a debate on the not very well-known Gusen camp. Among the most important places of memory associated with the liquidation of Czech opponents of Nazism was the Mauthausen concentration camp. However, it is not well known that a branch of Mauthausen - the Gusen camp, located a few kilometres away - was a similarly tragic place for Poles. That is why it is sometimes referred to in Poland as the 'second' or 'western' Katyn.
Emil Bocek
Gen. Emil Bocek
On 25 February, RAF fighter pilot and recipient of the Order of the White Lion Emil Bocek celebrated his incredible 100th birthday. He fled occupied Czechoslovakia at the end of 1939, when he was less than seventeen years old. He took the so-called Balkan route all the way to Beirut. He first fought as an infantryman in France, but by September 1940 he was already in Britain and at the age of eighteen he joined the air force. He became one of the youngest Czechoslovak fighter pilots to have operational flights during the war.
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Twentieth Century Memorial Museum has acquired a silver medallion from 1902 in the shape of a book, with a personal dedication to the father of General Sergei Voitsekhovsky (1883-1951), for its upcoming permanent exhibition.
The unique collection item was loaned by the family of General Vojcechovsky. Ruský carský důstojník, legionář, jeden z vůdců antibolševického hnutí na Sibiři, generál čs. On 11 May 1945 he was kidnapped from Prague by members of the Soviet Union to the USSR.
He died on 7 April 1951 in the Siberian camp Ozerlag.
We cordially invite you to a book signing and presentation of František Emmert' s book The Czech Uprising in May 1945, which will take place on 23 March at 5 pm in the Academia bookshop café. The book was published by the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum and is available in the Kosmas distribution network.
In March 2023, the second issue of the museum's yearbook Revue XX will be published. What will you find inside? An essay on narrative museology, written by Polish historian Folga-Januszewska. A study on Emmerich Rath, a Czech-German and multi-talented athlete who could not be broken by two totalitarian regimes. The documentary edition presents the story of the student Lilian Land. The yearbook also includes an interview with historian Petr Koura about the exhibition Our Germans; an article about the Memorial of the Three Resistances in Lošany and the results of the search for the anonymously buried remains of executed prisoners from the communist regime. The magazine also includes stories of collection items, reviews and other articles.
Seventy years ago, on March 5, 1953, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died. Less than two weeks later, he was succeeded by Klement Gottwald. We invite you to the 1953 conference. The End of Stalinism?, which will take place on 23 March 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Brožík Hall of the Old Town Hall. The main topic will be the historical events of seventy years ago in Czechoslovakia and the world. The event is organised jointly by the Twentieth Century Memorial Museum and the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes.
Stalin painted
Watch historian Petr Blazek's interview with Maciej Ruczaj, political scientist, columnist and director of the Polish Institute in Prague, on the history of Poland, its neighbours, mutual relations and the historical roots of the current Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Maciej Ruczaj
What are the boundaries of the copyright license in making historical films? Are there any legal taboos for biopics? And where is the line between news and propaganda? Robert Sedláček, Marie Koldinská, Marek Wollner, Pavel Štingl, Jindřich Šídlo, Jan Maxa, Martin Vadas and others asked these and other questions. Watch the recording of the seminar History in Film, Documentary and News, which opened the Unbroken and Sacrificed festival last year.

Between fiction and reality

On Czech Television in Kavčí Hory
(7. 11. 2022)

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