Dear friends of the Museum of the Memory of the XXth Century, We are still reverberating with joy from the successful 5th year of the Unbreakable and Sacrificed Festival. However, we have two more debates before the end of the month, to which we cordially invite you. You will find inspiration for Christmas presents in our production section. Have a pleasant autumn!
Debate on Jazz and Swing as a Danger for Nazism and Communism // Libri prohibiti, Prague / 13 November 2024 at 19.00
We cordially invite you to a debate during which we will compare the Nazi and Communist regimes' approach to jazz and swing music. Invited by German historian Natalie Reinsch, Polish journalist and dissident Aureliusz Marek Pędziwol, Czech historian Petr Koura and Jazz Section activist Vladimír Kouřil. The moderator will be historian Kryštof Zeman.
Debate on the Parallels of Development after 1989 in Czechoslovakia and Ukraine // Anti.quariát Dejvice Theatre, Prague / 15 November 2024 at 18.00
In cooperation with the Anti.quariát of Dejvice Theatre and Thanks that we can, we invite you to a debate on the events of 1989-1991 and the way they were perceived (not only) by Czech post-socialist society, politics and media. David Svoboda, historian, and Lenka Víchová, editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian Journal, will speak .
MPXX at Korzo Národní // Národní třída, Prague / 17 November 2024
At the Korzo Národní event you will find us at our stand in 28th October Street. At 10 am you will be able to join a walk with architectural historian Zdeněk Lukes, starting from the Mánes building. The re-installed TIGRID exhibition will be on display in front of the Platýz Palace. You will also be able to remember Pavel Tigrid with us in the historic trams. On tram number 17 at 14:00 and on tram number 11 at 16:15.
A diversion for long winter evenings, during which the whole family will learn something. Players will be introduced to thirty stories inspired by the articles of the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms.
We offer one free board game and another at a discounted price to schools for educational purposes.
Exhibition catalogue // Editor: Petr Blažek / Czech-English / 152 pages
The main themes of this publication are Czechoslovak reflections on the work of British writer George Orwell, especially his famous novels 1984 and Animal Farm. The authors of this book deal not only with exile and samizdat editions of the novels, their creation and dissemination in an unfree society, but also with works of art influenced by Orwell's work. They also pay attention to images of Orwell's 1984 in Czechoslovakia, including the repression of opponents of the communist regime and expressions of solidarity with political prisoners.
Book // Author Frantisek Emmert / Czech / 148 pages
The subject of this above-standard publication is the uprising of the Czech people against the Nazi occupation in May 1945. Although it broke out spontaneously only at the moment when the liberation from Nazism and the restoration of an independent state had already been decided, it rightly holds a very special place in our modern history. In several previous centuries no comparable event had occurred in the Czech lands. At the very end of the war, tens of thousands of people joined the fight against the German invaders with weapons in their hands and at the risk of their own lives, not only in Prague but throughout Bohemia and Moravia.
The project commemorates personalities who stood up to totalitarian regimes and contributed to the victory of freedom and democracy in our country. Zvon Mikuláš in Prague sounds and will sound at 3 pm.
November 1 for Jan Stern,
November 10 for Josef Chrudimsky,
November 16 for Olga Kyselová and
November 24 for Artur Radvansky.
Passport of Pavel Vošický
Pavel Vošický (11 May 1939-18 July 2022) was an important graphic designer, musician, political prisoner and exile. A United States passport, which is in the collections of the Museum of Twentieth Century Memory, was issued to Pavel Vošický after he became a U.S. citizen and traveled on it in the 1970s and 1980s. He used it to travel throughout South America, Asia and Europe - including his native Czechoslovakia.
Exhibition So where are the Americans? // Mělník Municipal Library / until 31 January 2025
Exhibition of prints by artist, former political prisoner and exile Pavel Vošický is on display in Mělník Municipal Library in the Za Rohem Gallery. Admission is free.
Video recording from the seminar Film as a museum medium
The seminar, subtitled "Audiovisual Means in Current Exhibitions", featured presentations by Jana Chourová Plaché from the Lidice Memorial and Gabriela Havlůjová from the Society for the Preservation of the Legacy of the Czech Resistance.
Video recording from the seminar Coping with the Legacy of Communist Justice
The second accompanying seminar to the Unbreakable and Sacrificed festival was attended by attorney Lubomír Müller and Kamil Nedvědický from the ÚSTR. Moderated by historian Petr Blažek.
Unbreakable and Sacrificed Film Festival
The 5th edition of the international film festival took place at the beginning of November. Keep an eye on the festival's website, where reports, articles and other content documenting the festival events are being added.
Conference (Not) Reconciling with the Communist Past // Lichtenstein Palace, Prague / 12 November 2024-14 November 2024
The unfortunate legacy of totalitarian systems and the communist past continues to affect the functioning of young democracies. The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, together with the Museum of Memory of the Twentieth Century, is preparing an international scientific conference on the 35th anniversary of the fall of the communist regime.
- 4 December 2024 at 7 pm: Discussion Guru of Czech history Prof. Robert Kvaček, Václav Havel Library, guests Petr Koura, Josef Nožička, Josef Tomeš, moderated by Michal Macháček, more information here.
More information about the planned events will be available on our website.
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